Anonymous ID: 2a72a8 June 17, 2020, 6:52 p.m. No.9653098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3127


This implies that the media is key in projecting the chaos (real and fake) raging between the two extremes of the political spectrum (left/right). My concern is, of what assurance do we have that Q is not just an aspect of one of the extremes to further the clash? All we can have is faith in the logic that a house divided cannot stand. Lastly, this Q post also implies that the media was key in Hitlers rise to power, if not for their propagandizing he may not have succeeded having to operate fully in the light. We have seen how the media can completely make or break anyone (except anons/no face) for example they brainwashed a large portion of society against trump. So, if the plan mirrors the old plan of the Nazi’s, we should fully expect the deep state’s media to then do the opposite for one of their own, in other words, one of the media’s next moves should be to prop up a very charismatic and forceful leader who, with the power of the beast media system, will sweep a large portion of the world off their feet. [anti-Christ]