Anonymous ID: 3965bd June 17, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.9652816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2850 >>2878

>>9652405 (lb)

>what does this mean 108 is that 1 point 08 and above point 08 is drunk, is that correct. I dont drink so forgive my ignorance

It's almost more about math than drinking.

I believe this was 0.108.

Which translates to one tenth of one percent.

0.08 is often considered the "legal limit" of impairment for adults of legal drinking age.

So, 0.108 is only 0.028 above 0.08.


What does that mean in terms of how much he had to drink? He could've easily achieved that 0.108 from the approx. drink and a half worth of mixed drinks he confessed to drinking, prior to driving the vehicle. Although, I larger person can drink more than a smaller person, quantity wise, and still e under the "legal limit" since these numbers go off percentages. Additionally, some people handle their alcohol far better than others. However, 0.08 will typically reflect minor impairment in most individuals.


I think the danger wasn't as much in how drunk he actually was, but rather the fact that he was asleep at the wheel and seemed rather "out of it". Had police not intervened, it is entirely possible that he could've woke up, drove away, thinking he was fine, which possibly could have resulted in much worse. Especially, if he dozed off again while on the road.


No matter how you slice it, he would still be alive if he complied during his arrest...

Anonymous ID: 3965bd June 17, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.9653116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>There must have been something way worse than alcohol in him, because he didn't know which city he was in or keep his story straight about what he had to drink.

I don't know if you're familiar with the area or not, but it appeared that the cop was fucking with him, regards to the location. That probably didn't help.


Having said that, there was numerous things that he did which reflected him not fully being aware of the situation. He may have been trying to smooth-talk his way out if somethings, which mat have resulted in more of his brain being focused on that, trying to create a story rather than trying to tell the truth. Not sure if you've ever tried waking a person up who was asleep from exhaustion, but they tend to be a bit disoriented for a moment. Not trying to downplay the levels of alcohol, or the fact that something else may have been present. We'll know from the autopsy if other drugs plaued a role. I got a DUI early on in my life because I dozed off at the wheel for a second while driving, which resulted in me hitting multiple parked vehicles. Thankfully, no one got hurt. I blew what would've been the legal limit, had I been 21, and showed little to no signs if impairment in my field sobriety test. The main factor that contributed to my drowsiness, besides the alcohol, was that earlier on in the day I had taken an ephedrine-based product, which caused the "crash" in my system. So, I could easily see how something else may have affected his system, just a matter of time before we find out what, if anything, else was present. Doesn't even have to be street drugs, it could easily be a pharmaceutical, either OTC or prescription. Then again, if he drove down there from Ohio earlier in the day, that alone can tax a body significantly, to where I could easily see his body respond to the exhaustion that may have posed. Even if that was the case, enough alcohol was present in his system to warrant the arrest for DUI.

Anonymous ID: 3965bd June 17, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.9653402   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Those "number of drinks" are in beers, consistent with an approximate of 4-5% alcohol content.


Just for statistics sake, I'll spit out some numbers.

12oz @ 5% = 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol.

1 oz @ 40% = 0.4 ounces of pure alcohol.

8 oz of mixed drink @ 20% = 1.6 ounces


Keep in mind, time will allow some of that alcohol to get processed and flushed by our system. And it does take a second for the affects to catch up. Hypothetically, I could take 5 shots of 80 proof in less than a minute, then immediately drive 5 minutes away without really feeling the affects. However, if I get stopped before I reach my destination, not only would the affects show up over the course of the police processing me, but my BAC would terrify those officers and likely get me in to a lot of trouble


I don't drink anymoar, for the record, as the risks far outweigh the rewards