Anonymous ID: 6ed2fb June 17, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.9652983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3447 >>3460

My neighborhood sets off loud m80 type fireworks from about 5pm-5am. Rattled my windows.


I’m white and my neighbors are all jogging enthusiasts. I look at my window and watch all sorts of jogging related activities day and night.


I know my neighborhood is gonna go off at some point. Cops won’t save me. Credit/money situation is getting better but kinda fucked due to corona Chan. 1200$ was nice but a drop in the bucket of what I would need to buy a house in the country.


Praying the plan works out, but it’s not looking great from where I’m sitting.


I got some brown shoe polish and plenty of ammo if shtf.


Can’t help but think about how Q said there would no civil unrest/civil war and for us to be “comfy”. If you’re comfy right now you’re totally delusional and you’re lying to yourself.


We had a good run. Maybe we can all move to Alaska and hunker down there. Not really feeling the good vibes and coziness anymore. This is becoming a big joke, and all of us sitting here watching the country we love burn to the ground are the punchline.


Love all you faggots.


Pic is how I feel lately for wasting so much time here. But I just can’t quit.

Anonymous ID: 6ed2fb June 17, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.9653196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3223 >>3335 >>3359

Has it occurred to anyone that maybe Mattis and Kelley aren’t “DS”, that maybe they are just tired of inaction by Trump/Q?


Maybe they are like us and think this shit has been allowed to get to unacceptable leavers of treason in the open?


Just a thought.


What’s a fact however is that every single one of us has been lied to and we’re being used.


The question is what for exactly?

Anonymous ID: 6ed2fb June 17, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.9653334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s turning out to be Gigli except where satanic pedos roam free, joggers destroy our country and we get suckered int Watching hannity.


Q might just be a Fox News exec at this point