Anonymous ID: 7e84ba June 17, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.9653084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rules of Filtration:


Muh Joo SPAN posts as well as JIDF memes all filtered on sight ID+. I have no time for this bullshit or the people/bots that encourage it.


We all know what muh joos have done and are in the process of doing and it shall be dealt with at the appropriate time.


Redtext shills


auto-filtered…i do not read the content at all…filtered the same way as if my teenage daughter brought home a gangsta negro, immediately and with extreme prejudice.


ALL name are fags filtered.


Be anon or GTFO, faggot.


Any item talking shit about GEOTUS or his Family, sliding, concern-fagging, gore/cp/off-topic media…insta-fltered.


follow this guide and add in your own rules…


watch them all hit this post as soon as I put it up.


I filter those cock-suckers as well.