Anonymous ID: a26104 June 17, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.9652882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3102

Atlanta Police Call Out After Officer Garrett Rolfe is Charged with Murder by Fulton County DA Paul Howard


There are reports tonight that police officers in Atlanta, Georgia walked off the job tonight after murder charges were filed against Officer Garrett Rolfe in the death of Rayshard Brooks last weekend.


Vince Champion, southeast regional director of the International Brotherhood of Police officers, was on ABC News tonight to discuss the charges against the Atlanta police officers.


Champion told ABC New, “What we do know is you’re tearing up the Atlanta police department.”


Warning: This ABC news report is hard to watch and loaded with complete BS.


There are now reports that several police officers walked off of the job tonight in Atlanta, Georgia.


The Atlanta Journal Constitution confirmed the reports.



“There are officers saying they are not going to leave the precinct unless to help another officer,” Vince Champion, Southeast regional director for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Some are walking off and sitting in their personal vehicles.”


And the Atlanta Police confirmed there was a call out tonight.


Decaturish reported:


The head of Atlanta’s police union confirmed Wednesday that officers from the Atlanta Police Department in Zones 3 and 6 walked off the job Wednesday afternoon.


Vince Champion, southeast regional director of the International Brotherhood of Police officers, said that police officers had stopped answering calls midshift, in response to charges against Officer Garrett Rolfe who is accused of murdering Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta.


“The union, we would never advocate this. We wouldn’t advocate a blue flu,” Champion said. “We don’t know the numbers. Apparently we’re learning that command staff are asking outlying counties for support and aren’t getting it.”


Decaturish has calls out to public affairs officers in Gwinnett, DeKalb and Cobb counties for confirmation. A message to the spokesperson for Atlanta Police was not immediately returned.


A spokesperson for APD called reports of a walkout “inaccurate.”


“Earlier suggestions that multiple officers from each zone had walked off the job were inaccurate,” the spokesperson said. “However, the department is experiencing a higher than usual number of call-outs with the incoming shift. We have enough resources to maintain operations and remain able to respond to incidents throughout the city.”


Zones 3 and 6 cover south Atlanta, where Rolfe killed Rayshard Brooks after a June 12 DUI arrest turned into an altercation. Rolfe fired three bullets at Brooks as he fled with a taser in hand. Video of the shooting suggests Brooks pointed the taser at officers as he fled.

Anonymous ID: a26104 June 17, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.9652917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2972

Jim Jordan fights back after Jerry Nadler tries to silence a GOP member for refusing to wear a mask


Some House Republicans are pushing back against a new requirement for donning facial coverings


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday attempted to enforce a new rule pushed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), requiring committee chairs to "exclude members who fail to comply" with wearing a mask during proceedings.


But when Nadler tried to skip over a mask-free Republican's speaking time during a meeting, Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) pushed back.

What are the details?


The Hill reported that the Capitol physician — at the request of Pelosi — issued guidance Tuesday night requiring lawmakers to wear facial coverings for all meetings "in a limited space, such as a committee hearing room, for greater than 15 minutes."


A senior Democratic aide told the outlet that the speaker had asked committee chairs to "enforce rules of decorum and exclude members who fail to comply."


While overseeing a Judiciary Committee meeting the next day, Nadler reminded his colleagues of the new rule — saying he had been "lenient" for most of the day — but warned that moving forward "anyone who is not wearing a mask will not be recognized to speak. Period."


Immediately thereafter, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), who was not wearing a mask, sought to speak to argue his case for not covering his face. Nadler ignored him, and attempted to skip over the congressman to allow a Democrat to take the allotted time.


"McClintock has tried repeatedly to make his point," Jordan interjected. After Nadler made another effort to move on to the Democrat, Jordan said, "No, no, it's our side. You just had a Democrat speak, it's our turn."


After a back-and-forth, Nadler eventually relented, allowing McClintock to express his opposition to the mask rule and its enforcement. The California Republican argued, "I consider masks much more effective at spreading panic and much less effective at stopping a virus."

Anonymous ID: a26104 June 17, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.9653166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247

Mrs. Butterworth’s to Undergo ‘Complete Brand and Packaging Review’


The pancake syrup brand Mrs. Butterworth’s — known for its matronly woman-shaped bottle — will undergo a “complete brand and packaging review,” a spokesperson for Conagra Brands said Wednesday. The development comes after parent companies for Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s announced that the two product lines will see branding changes of their own.


“We understand that our actions help play an important role in eliminating racial bias and as a result, we have begun a complete brand and packaging review on Mrs. Butterworth’s,” Conagra Brands Communications Manager Dan Skinner told Forbes. The company added:


We stand in solidarity with our Black and Brown communities and we can see that our packaging may be interpreted in a way that is wholly inconsistent with our values. It’s heartbreaking and unacceptable that racism and racial injustices exist around the world. We will be part of the solution. Let’s work together to progress toward change.


Earlier Wednesday, Quaker, a PepsiCo subsidiary, announced that will retire the logo of Aunt Jemima, an older black woman who has long been a staple on its products.


Quaker Chief Marketing Officer Kristin Kroepfl said:


We recognize Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype. As we work to make progress toward racial equality through several initiatives, we also must take a hard look at our portfolio of brands and ensure they reflect our values and meet our consumers’ expectations.


Riché Richardson, an associate professor at Cornell University, told NBC News that Aunt Jemima is “a retrograde image of black womanhood on store shelves.”


“It’s an image that harkens back to the antebellum plantation … Aunt Jemima is that kind of stereotype, is premised on this idea of Black inferiority and otherness,” stated Richardson.


“It is urgent to expunge our public spaces of a lot of these symbols that for some people are triggering and represent terror and abuse,” he added.


The Aunt Jemima character, which has marked the company’s pancake mix since 1889, has been criticized for years and was the subject of a petition three years ago called, “Set Her Free.”


Kroepfl added:


We are starting by removing the image and changing the name. We will continue the conversation by gathering diverse perspectives from both our organization and the black community to further evolve the brand and make it one everyone can be proud to have in their pantry.


Quaker hasn’t said yet what brand or image will replace Aunt Jemima, but that announcement is expected this fall.


PepsiCo, which acquired Quaker in 2001, said Tuesday it will pledge $400 million for initiatives to oppose racial injustice, following weeks of unrest after the police killing of George Floyd in Minnesota.


Shortly after Quaker’s announcement, Mars said it will change its Uncle Ben’s brand, which features the image of an older black man. The company said it doesn’t know what the changes will be or when they’ll happen.


“As a global brand, we know we have a responsibility to take a stand in helping to put an end to racial bias and injustices,” Mars said.

Anonymous ID: a26104 June 17, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.9653191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgia Bureau of Investigation ‘Not Consulted on Charges’ Filed Against Former Cop for Killing Rayshard Brooks


The Georgia Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday stated that it was not consulted on the charges filed by the district attorney regarding former Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe, who now faces felony charges in the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks.


Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard Jr. on Wednesday announced charges against Rolfe — “11 counts, including felony murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon,” per USA Today.


Howard stated that Brooks, who attempted to flee the scene while wielding an officer’s taser, was “running away at the time that the shot was fired” and added that he “did not pose an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury.”


However, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which is looking into the incident, said in a statement on Wednesday that it was not aware of the prior press conference, nor was it consulted on the charges filed by the district attorney.


“Despite today’s occurrence, the GBI will complete its mission of completing an impartial and thorough investigation of this incident and we will submit the file, once completed, to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office,” GBO added.


GBI’s full statement:


The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was requested by the Atlanta Police Department on Friday night, June 12th, to investigate an officer involved shooting at the Wendy’s Restaurant on University Avenue. We are in the process of conducting this investigation. Although we have made significant progress in the case, we have not completed our work. Our goal in every officer involved shooting case we are requested to review, is to complete a thorough, impartial investigation before we submit the file to the respective District Attorney’s Office.


The GBI was not aware of today’s press conference before it was conducted. We were not consulted on the charges filed by the District Attorney. Despite today’s occurrence, the GBI will complete its mission of completing an impartial and thorough investigation of this incident and we will submit the file, once completed, to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.

Anonymous ID: a26104 June 17, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.9653309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3331 >>3417

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton Shares His Take on Putin-Trump Relations


John Bolton is expected to share his revelations from inside the White House in the upcoming book, "The Room Where It Happened", after having been picked by Trump to be his National Security Adviser.


As his tell-all book, that has caused a federal lawsuit, is about to come out, John Bolton gave an exclusive interview to ABC's Martha Raddatz that will be aired on Sunday. In a sneak peek, the former national security adviser - hand picked by Trump - shares his opinion on the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.


He said that he thinks Putin can "play him [Donald Trump] like a fiddle", going on to note that Russian president "sees that he is not faced with a serious adversary". Bolton also called Putin "smart" and "tough", outlining that Trump does not enjoy understanding international security issues, which puts America in "a very difficult position" against the Russian leader.


“Dealing with arms limitation treaties on strategic weapons, dealing in many, many other international security issues, are things far removed from his [Donald Trump's] life experience,” said Bolton.


In another ABC teaser, Bolton, when asked "Is the President lying?", answers "Yes, he is, and it's not the first time either". It is unclear from the video which lies the host is referring to.


Bolton's book "The Room Where It Happened" is set to be released next Tuesday and is a tell-all on POTUS' foreign policy decision-making, which apparently annoyed Trump, who expressed hopes that Bolton would have criminal problems if he goes on with the publication. Shortly after the president's statement, US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit to block the book from release, claiming that it contains "classified information", a claim that Bolton's representatives have disproved.

Anonymous ID: a26104 June 17, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.9653455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York's Murder Rate Is Up. Way Up.


The New York Post’s Nicole Gelinas reports that after decades of Big Apple violent crime declining and staying flat, it’s going the wrong way fast.


Over the month ­until June 7 — including the crucial Memorial Day weekend — New York’s murder rate more than doubled, to 42 murders, from 18 the year before — a jolt of 133 percent. Shooting victims, including wounded, are up 45 percent. Stabbings are up, too.


To be clear: Going back to the early ’90s, New York has never seen a sustained increase of this magnitude. Nothing close: The nearest spike in the early summer month was a short-lived 63 percent hike in 2006, just half ­today’s increase. And that ­increase did portend an 11 percent murder hike for all of 2006, the second-highest in three decades.


This isn’t an aberration coming off a good spring. For the year, murder is up 25 percent. If these rates hold, New York would end 2020 with an increase in murders twice as high as we’ve seen since 1990.


1990 is an important year in crime. There were 23,440 murders in the United States that year. New York suffered 2,262 of those, making it the nation’s bloodiest city. That same year, Chicago had 849 murders. Violent crime had been rising for decades up to the 1990s, to the point that it was an important part of the national conversation. (That was a time when national conversations were still possible and did not devolve into shouting matches or cancel swarms.)


Violent crime continued to escalate. Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton ran for the presidency in 1992 as a “new Democrat,” and part of the shiny and new with him was an emphasis on stopping crime. His party led all the nation’s bloodiest cities, judges from his party had weakened sentencing for offenders and repeat offenders, and at the same time had sought to disarm law-abiding Americans through gun control legislation. Democrats and their policies were very much to blame. The young lip-biting governor recognized this and ran against his own party on key issues for much of the campaign. Crime was one of those issues.


One of Clinton’s major turning points, rhetorically and in image, was the moment in June 1992 when he went to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition and denounced rapper Sister Souljah.


Clinton delivered this speech on June 13, 1992, within a few weeks of the bloody LA riots. He glided through the gears in this address at a time when the incumbent president, George H. W. Bush, had been seen as ineffective for his handling of the riots.


With “defund the police” in the air, can you imagine another Democrat stepping up and addressing the nation in such a way now? Biden has neither the skill, the coherence, nor the ability to read the moment. Who on the left will step up and denounce antifa for its evident role in hijacking the George Floyd protests and turning them violent? Who could?


As Gelinas points out, New York’s 2020 June murder spike isn’t aberrant. It’s not due to the protests that spun out into riots and looting. Homicides have been tracking upward all year.


New York’s crime increase cannot be blamed on increasing population. The city has been noticeably losing residents for close to a year. In the halcyon pre-plague days of Sept. 2019, New Yorkers were leaving because they’d voted in very expensive public policy and then decided to leave without paying the tab. Plus crime was already starting to creep up.


They also elected Rep. AOC, who happily killed 10,000 jobs. That sent a pretty strong signal to corporations that were in many cases already eyeing leaving New York: Now’s as good a time as any.


In March 2020, New Yorkers who could afford to started leaving because they did not want to live in the global coronavirus pandemic epicenter.


Now they’ll leave because they don’t want to get murdered or mugged on the street by career criminals, or other reasons such as New York’s disastrous handling of COVID, at both the city and state level.


David Dinkins’ New York was a crime-ridden hole in need of a Batman to clean it up. That’s when New York suffered six murders a day. Rudy Guiliani’s New York was clean, prosperous, and safe. Policing “broken windows,” and the context of a nation fed up with worsening crime, brought violent crime in New York and across the country under greater control. The FBI says violent crime declined 51% between 1993 and 2018. That decline was no accident. It took a nation stirred to fight it, and the Democrats essentially pushing aside their chaotic left fringe. Such an action today invites cancelation.


“Defund the police” is not popular anywhere but the inflexible minds of people like New York’s current mayor.