Anonymous ID: 65732a April 9, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.965632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5643 >>5657 >>5696 >>5888 >>6042 >>6059 >>6071


blaming jews is the oldest propaganda in the world

you think the NWO would come up with something new

oh that is why Q said N does not stand for new

jewbait = moldy bread of the worst kind


BAKER - this unsauced jewbait twatter post does not belong in notables:>>964668 Israel trying to FF US and start WW3?

Anonymous ID: 65732a April 9, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.965657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5708


yes and the rothschilds are the master of the nwo - they are always roth first and jew second

they could not care less about jews as a people any more than the pope cares about catholics as people



the truth will set you free

Anonymous ID: 65732a April 9, 2018, 7:47 a.m. No.965826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5851 >>5876 >>5886

Quick summary of latest go round of cabal playbook:


There are FF attacks in Syria (gas attacks) that the cabal are trying to blame on Assad (president of Syria). He who we will not name along with all the other cabal a**holes have been trying to overthrow Assad for the last 10 yrs. Q just documented this 100%.


The Middle East continues to be the boiling pot of the cabal to control world events.

Creating FF for years, blame on every leader who does not play ball with the cabal creating an excuse to create instability, to go to war, you know the drill.


Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, have all been worked over. The cabal is now down to their last card, Syria. There is a cabal generated militia in Ghouta as a last ditch effort to start WWIII along with the help of the MSM.


The dream team of Trump, Putin and Xi continue to mop up the bad guys in the Middle East.


This leaves us to the now famous Q post:

Saving the Best for last.


Palestine/Israel/Jerusalem is the crown jewel of not only the Middle East, but of the World. Peace in Palestine is central to world peace. That is why it is saved for last; the end serves to correct the beginning. The birth of the three largest Religions of the world, Christians, Muslims and Jews began in Palestine along with the birth of the war between the Christians, Muslims and Jews.


The cabal created and have milked the division between the three largest religions for thousands of years. With the Great Awakening we are correcting this once and for all.


Jews were at the begging of this saga and will play a role in the end. Just like there are Nationalist within each nation as well as Globalist. There are Great Awakening Jews as well as Globalist Jews. Jews have always played a more active role in world affairs, always have and always will. We are blessed to have the Great Awakening Jews working for us, we will not be able win without them. Trump know this, why do you think he spent so much time in Israel and practically kissed the wailing wall. Without the Jews you can forget the Great Awakening.



Anonymous ID: 65732a April 9, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.965919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5937



The Fix Analysis

McCain takes his Trump criticism to a whole new level, suggesting blame for chemical weapons attack in Syria



Calls grow for action over Syria 'chemical attack'

Anonymous ID: 65732a April 9, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.966372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6387


The cabal created and have milked the division between the three largest religions for thousands of years. With the Great Awakening we are correcting this once and for all.


Jews were at the begging of this saga and will play a role in the end. Just like there are Nationalist within each nation as well as Globalist. There are Great Awakening Jews as well as Globalist Jews. Jews have always played a more active role in world affairs, always have and always will. We are blessed to have the Great Awakening Jews working for us, we will not be able win without them. Trump know this, why do you think he spent so much time in Israel and practically kissed the wailing wall. Without the Jews you can forget the Great Awakening.