Is this a post a stupid ignorant question board?
I thought this was a research board.
Exposure to normies is great and obviously the goal, but FUCK YOU fags who come here for entertainment and not to contribute.
Is this a post a stupid ignorant question board?
I thought this was a research board.
Exposure to normies is great and obviously the goal, but FUCK YOU fags who come here for entertainment and not to contribute.
Mouaz Moustafa & Awan
Apr 8 2018 19:39:12 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 2706bb 958655
Social media contacts?
Worked for WHO?
ACCESS level?
Find ALL pics.
Bigger than you know.
One example of many.
Apr 8 2018 19:32:10 (EST) Anonymous ID: b25668 958537
Mouaz Moustafa
born Palestinian refugee, moved 2USA@12 world traveler,play futbol,worked n US House, Senate,Egyptian,Libyan, Syrian Revolution,Executive Director of @SyrianETF
Washington D.C.
Q is asking us to make a connection between Moustafa ans Awan. He says there are many others.
There is a connection to the MB that we are missing.
His security detail is way too comfortable to be in Syria. How about safe and sound at his Sedona, Az ranch dressed up like a movie set to look like Azaz.
Notice the trees in the pics match. The open field pic is in Sedona, Az
I think this is what Q meant by you are watching a movie, its all fake and made up/
Why would Putin say there was no gas attack? Would he really want to look stupid if it turns out that it really happened?
I think this all leads to the MSM and their part in the whole movie.