Good, that's the only way that we will ever be able to drain the swamp and arrest the traitors. Because Trump obviously has no plans of doing it himself. The country burns and all Trump can fucking do is tweet about Bolton, a man he chose to put in his administration. Complete fucking joke.
If by "Great again" you mean nationwide rioting, looting, erasing history, tearing down monuments, killing police officers, attacking white people, churches closed, supreme court ruling in favor of homosexual freaks, mass non white immigration, communist revolution on US soil, and zero traitors arrested……..then yes, America is great again.
The plan is The New World Order and it's going along perfectly.
William T. Sherman wasn't a Democrat though….
Some fat leftist bitch started screaming and taking her clothes off so he had to shut his stream off lmao.
Agree. Very fucking retarded. If we are really the majority, then why not just fucking arrest the traitors so that they cannot keep orchestrating their nationwide insurrection. If the left doesn't like it, well too bad. They aren't in any position to have a say so. We have all the guns, all the resources, their shithole cities are completely surrounded/ isolated, and they have no supply lines. Conservatives could have ended this already. Hell, Conservatives could have prevented this from even happening to begin with. Trump needs to get off his fucking ass and arrest the traitors because America is burning. Complete fucking joke.