Not the Jews!
It's the Jews!
Not the Banks!
It's the Banks!
Dew Jew Banks own Jew Politicians??
The odd thing about those Fed reimbursements is that a stunning $5.3 billion in reimbursements, or 9 percent of the $57 reimbursed by the Fed, have gone to a tiny New Jersey bank, Cross River Bank. According to the SBA, as of May 30, there were 5,454 lenders that had made loans in the PPP program. Cross River Bank is just one of those 5,454 lenders and yet it received 9 percent of the Fed’s reimbursements. How does that make any sense?–9-percent-of-all-the-money-its.html
Potus caught them all.
Define bait.
Hook line and 5 Billion.