Anonymous ID: 726952 June 18, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.9659621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742

We know who the MATRIX is (see attached explanation)

And we also know that the Matrix is opposed by NEO

Who is the savior of mankind.

Everybody always assumes that because Neo is the saviour

Re represents Jesus



It the MATRIX is really a reference to ECONOMIC SLAVERY

Shouldn't we look for an economic explanation for NEO?

Natural Economic Order?


That is the title of a book by Silvio Gesell that was originally written in German where the abbreviation is NWO rather than NEO.

I think that we all need to read this book, and dig into recent economic events because there seems to be a connection to the Natural Economic Order.

Anonymous ID: 726952 June 18, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.9659726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770


>WHAT have we won, not a god-damned thing.

>You fuckers are full of shit, and too pussified to stand up out in the real world.

>So fuck you all, from drump to the lowest ranking anon.


3 lines, containing 4 curse words.

I see so much of this on here that I am putting a lot of effort into NEVER using curse words in my daily life.




Because I recognize now, that they are a tool of the Cabal and its EVIL minions. And I have made the choice to NOT SUPPORT their evil plans ever again, but to work against them in every way that I can, large and small.

Refraining from swearing may seem like a small thing, but I see it as being part and parcel of the whole package of creating a VISION for a NEW CIVILIZATION in which all people live in liberty with inalienable rights and in which we have a MILLENIUM of peace, prosperity, and the doing of many great things as a TEAM. After all, we are on in the same boat, on this small planet (as JFK said) and if we all pull together I know that our future will be MARVELLOUS.


We can all be X-Men.

Anonymous ID: 726952 June 18, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.9659873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 5 videos with titles beginning…

What I have been afraid to blog about:


Are about the Federal Reserve's Exchange Stabilization Fund which is where the Executive Branch can access the trillions of dollars that the private owners of the Fed have earned through the work of EVERY AMERICAN. Usually, the elected President and Treasury Secretary are loyal to the Cabal, but this time it is different.


This page…


Has working URLs to all the source materials used to make the 5 videos. After studying this you will understand why Trump wants toRestructure the Fednot abolish it. There is lots of money flowing through the Fed, and the biggest problem is who gets the benefit. If the benefit went to the people, we could abolish all Federal taxes and the IRS would cease to exist. That is a good reason to keep the Fed.

Anonymous ID: 726952 June 18, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.9659924   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just tip me over

And pour me out!


We have always known what we need to do

Think about it…

Why did the American Revolution start


By tipping crates of tea over the gunnels

Of teaships in Boston Harbor?

Why do we revere the film White Squall?

Look at those people at the bottom of that pyramid

Carrying the whole thing on ther shoulders

Where We Go One We Go All

All together now, let's send a TIP to the Cabal…

Anonymous ID: 726952 June 18, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.9660052   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There is a lot of ship traffic through that area

It has to weave its way through a maze of oil rigs

There are thousands of opportunities, to unload stuff

Like contraband and human trafficking cargo

Off a big container ship onto a smaller vessel

A fishing boat or one of the many small boats

That service the oil rigs.

The cargo could even be relayed via two or three boats

Or onto and off of an oil rig

To make it very hard to track, even from satellites.

And then there are the privately owned submarines

That are not registered anywhere

They do more than carry cocaine from Columbia.


Airplanes that can fly under the clouds

Have a better chance of tracking this cargo