Anonymous ID: 998b5c June 18, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.9659807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1/2Ch thread

Anonymous ID:71AYOZT6 Wed 17 Jun 2020 22:27:38 No.263467003 View

John Bolton is a lying piece of shit globalist that will not be happy until we are in a fucking war in every country in the world. This dickhead bears responsible for there not being a peace agreement with North Korea. As Trump and Kim were working to secure an agreement Bolton was working to fuck everything up and used a deep state asset in the CIA to provide evidence that was latter shown to be false regarding the capabilities of N. Korea`s biological and chemical weapons. When Trump approached Kim about this at the summit in Vietnam Kim was taken back and both sides backed off from a deal that was already agreed to.


Trump should have thrown this worthless deep state actor off the plane returning to the U.S. Bolton also has made the situation 100 times worse with Iran and has been taken money from middle east sources whose goal is to start WW3 there. There is no more despicable traitor in the Country.


This worthless bastard has so far prevented a lasting and much needed peace in several hot spots in the world. He personally blew up a meeting with the Taliban at Camp David and through other deep state assets blew up a last ditch effort to find peace when Kim secretly visited the U.S. in the Spring of this year. This meeting was held at Camp David and again Deep State thugs aligned with the Democratic Party blew that up with false information.


This was a major reason Grenell came back from Germany. Grenell was a trusted player and was able to provide the Trump Administration a list of traitors in the CIA and security establishment that could not be trusted. Too little too late? We will see. Fuck John Bolton and John Brennan.


These two worthless sob`s should rot in hell. Later. By the way double fuck that piece of shit mayor in Atlanta. Spent a lot of time at Georgia Tech and that bitch is nothing but a worthless Democrat traitor.

Anonymous ID: 998b5c June 18, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9660103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons has anyone notice the “you” when you post disappears and if in notables there’s no “you”, been going for two weeks now?