America is the most corrupted country in the world.
Supreme Court continues their illegal activity.
DACA illegals are not citizens of the united states any way you slice it.
America is the most corrupted country in the world.
Supreme Court continues their illegal activity.
DACA illegals are not citizens of the united states any way you slice it.
The supreme court makes up laws as they go along trying to destroy the fabric of America.
America is the most corrupted country in the world.
Supreme Court continues their illegal activity.
DACA illegals are not citizens of the united states any way you slice it.
Add that to the 60 million abortions in America.
Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is clearly wearing a hairpiece.
Goofball deluxe.
This negroid is actually a monkey hybrid anyone can clearly see he is not full human.
DARPA Humanzee.
Obama's criminality will permanently affect America.
His ponagrapher daddy Frank Marshall Davis would be proud.
Welcome to the supreme courts gay America.
Trump did keep his promise he said he would get rid of DACA illegals and did all he could to accomplish that.
Sadly the corrupted supreme court shot him down.
BLM a George Soros network.
Blacks haven't figured that out yet.