Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.9661182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1284 >>1362 >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

Sick, Twisted and Evil – Six eBay Executives Charged With Disturbing Cyberstalking…


This is so purposefully evil it almost seems unbelievable. If you ever wondered how twisted and deranged a group of Silicon Valley executives could be this might provide some context. This is what happens when Antifa-types get jobs.


Massachusetts DOJ – “Six former employees of eBay, Inc. have been charged with leading a cyberstalking campaign targeting the editor and publisher of a newsletter that eBay executives viewed as critical of the company. The alleged harassment included sending the couple anonymous, threatening messages, disturbing deliveries – including a box of live cockroaches, a funeral wreath and a bloody pig mask – and conducting covert surveillance of the victims.”




James Baugh, 45, of San Jose, Calif., eBay’s former Senior Director of Safety & Security, was arrested today and charged by criminal complaint with conspiracy to commit cyberstalking and conspiracy to tamper with witnesses.


David Harville, 48, of New York City, eBay’s former Director of Global Resiliency, was arrested this morning in New York City on the same charges and will make an initial appearance via videoconference in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York.


In addition the following defendants were charged in an Information unsealed today: Stephanie Popp, 32, of San Jose, eBay’s former Senior Manager of Global Intelligence; Stephanie Stockwell, 26, of Redwood City, Calif., the former manager of eBay’s Global Intelligence Center (GIC); Veronica Zea, 26, of San Jose, a former eBay contractor who worked as an intelligence analyst in the GIC; and Brian Gilbert, 51, of San Jose, a former Senior Manager of Special Operations for eBay’s Global Security Team.


They are each charged with conspiracy to commit cyberstalking and conspiracy to tamper with witnesses and will make appearances in federal court in Boston at a later date. (MORE)

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.9661194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1222 >>1362 >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

Ex-Middle School Teacher Admits She Had Sex with Student Multiple Times


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – A former Joplin, Missouri, middle school teacher has pleaded guilty in federal court to charges related to enticing one of her students to engage in illicit sex.


Amanda Ruth Schweitzer, 41, pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge David P. Rush on Tuesday, June 16, to enticing a minor for illegal sexual activity.


Schweitzer was a teacher at North Middle School in Joplin at the time of the offense.


The 13-year-old victim, who was a student of Schweitzer’s, reported Schweitzer sent nude photos of herself to the victim, with whom she primarily communicated via Instagram, and engaged in sexual intercourse with the victim on at least two occasions in March 2017. The victim reported that he also sent a nude image of himself to Schweitzer.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.9661203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1270

Coronavirus Australia live updates: WHO outlines three groups prioritised for virus vaccine


The World Health Organisation has revealed who it thinks should be immunised first, once a vaccine against the coronavirus has been successfully developed.


Frontline workers, including health professionals and drivers, should be among the first to be immunised once a coronavirus vaccine has been developed, the World Health Organisation says.


Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, WHO Deputy Director-General Soumya Swaminathan said people with existing health issues should also be prioritised, along with people who work in areas that have been the site of large outbreaks, including meat processing factories, prisons, and nursing homes.


The comments come as questions have been raised over how a vaccine may eventually be distributed across the world.


“We have this beautiful picture of everyone getting the vaccine, but there is no road map on how to do it,” said Yuan Qiong Hu, a senior legal and policy adviser at Doctors Without Borders in Geneva.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.9661223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1340 >>1362 >>1402 >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

Trudeau embarrasses woke Canadians in colossal failure to secure coveted seat on UN Security Council


Trudeau fared much worse in his costly attempt to secure the seat than previous conservative leader Steven Harper


After boasting that “Canada is back,” claiming that Stephen Harper embarrassed Canada on the world stage, and promising that achieving a seat on the UN Security Council would set all of that right, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suffered an embarrassing rout this week when his own longstanding (and expensive) bid failed.


Canada came in third, after Norway and Ireland. In what must be an extraordinary humiliation for Trudeau, his years-long bid for the UNSC seat actually garnered fewer votes (108) than Harper’s did back in 2010 (114). If Harper’s failure was a reflection on his leadership, as Liberal luminaries told us at the time, Trudeau’s failure to even achieve what Harper accomplished must be something truly shameful.


Paul Wells summed it up with brutal candor over at Maclean’s: “Believing a win at the UN would fall from the heavens on Trudeau because he wasn't Harper was an expression of the narcissism and shallowness that have characterized this government during much of its time in office.”


Canada’s failure to secure this seat is unsurprising for a number of reasons. First of all, despite the unwillingness of Canada’s leaders to admit this, Canada is not a powerful or consequential country. Canada has not been a middle power since shortly after the Second World War, and Trudeau has ensured that Canada’s primary role on the world stage is the projection of “wokeness,” with millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled to developing countries to procure abortions for impoverished women. Abortion, as I’ve noted before, is one of Trudeau’s favorite subjects. Incidentally, there are more than a few socially conservative leaders at the United Nations who don’t find Trudeau’s obsession with pelvic issues and feticide endearing. Canada is back, indeed.


It also bears mentioning that Justin Trudeau has been an international laughingstock at multiple points throughout his tenure as prime minister (as opposed to Harper, whose major fashion gaffe was a safari vest he wore on a trip to Mexico.) There was the “peoplekind” incident, which provoked global gales of laughter and triggered savage columns from the British press. The consensus seemed to be that the fresh new Canadian PM was trying too hard, and that he should perhaps relax a little. And then came his India trip, in which he pranced across the country like an Indian version of the Village People. Even Indian celebrities told the press that Trudeau appeared to be more Indian than those he was visiting. Everyone appreciated the effort (with much snickering and even rude chortles from a few quarters), but even the Liberals were forced to admit that the trip had been a high-profile embarrassment.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.9661241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330 >>1375

The Secret Reason Billionaires Love a Pandemic


You see, there has been a class war going on for years – perpetrated by the rich (who aren’t smarter or better) against everyone else.


We live in a time when there are more billionaires walking around than ever before. (They don’t actually walk. They have someone do that for them.) And one can’t deny billionaires are billionaires because they’ve worked harder than anyone else—roughly 300 times harder than an average worker. They are smarter, cleverer, more intuitive and show more initiative than anyone else, too. That’s why they’re billionaires and we’re not. That’s why they will always be billionaires and we will never be. That’s why we can all see ourselves in the reflection on Jeff Bezos’ bald head and yet can never touch it.


Now, I must say—everything stated in the first paragraph is utterly false. No part of it is true (except the part about the walking). Most billionaires don’t work harder, don’t think harder, and don’t know more. They have nothing over your average person except: a) luck b) sometimes inheriting a fortune and c) being more sociopathic. So I guess you could say they’re extraordinary on the sociopathy front. They are more willing to crush other humans to get what they want and thereby they are more able to get what they want.


All of this might slightly explain why a vein bulges in my forehead when I read that billionaires are doing better than ever during this global viral outbreak that has killed hundreds of thousands.


Billionaires in the U.S. have seen their fortunes skyrocket, increasing by 12.5 percent since the pandemic began. The Institute for Policy Studies released a study “showing that, in the eight weeks between March 18 and May 14, the country’s super wealthy have added a further $368.8 billion to their already enormous fortunes.”


That’s a jaw-dropping-fall-over-and-have-a-seizure level of wealth, yet nothing new. Even before the pandemic, the vaults of the rich bulged with unbelievable amounts of shiny things. Even before coronavirus was a household name the three richest Americans had more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of our country.


For those of you keeping score at home, that’s 164 million people. (Now is the appropriate time to dry heave.) This isn’t inequality—it’s the inequality equivalent of a bloodbath. And I mean, like, a bathtub full of gross diseased squirrel blood—not good healthy virgin cashier at American Outfitters blood. (If you think that line was anti-women, I never said it was a woman. Men can be virgins too! You disgust me with your gender stereotypes!)


Besides this ridiculous state of inequality, the rich also don’t pay their fair share in taxes. (Are you shocked?) They received a giant tax cut from Donald Trump, and the crazy rich hide $32 trillion in offshore tax havens worldwide.


Meanwhile, for average Americans, things are, um… not as good. As Alan Mcleod writes for MintPress, “A record 36 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance, with millions more losing their employer-based healthcare plans, and around a third of the country not paying its rent.”

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9661247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303

The Great Reset – The Final Battle Against Marxists


The rising civil unrest is starting to take notice of Bill Gates and his consortium hell-bent on changing the world economy. They have used the coronavirus as a ploy to shut down the world economy all for their Climate Change Agenda. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that points to Fauci funding the creation of this virus and transferring it to the Wuhan lab where neither China nor the United States leaked it, but this consortium which has planned this Event 201 on how to destroy the world economy and rebuild it from scratch. They are already introducing Guaranteed Basic Income, assuming they can wipe out over 300 million jobs and then pay people to sit home and watch TV, where they recreate the world in their own image which they are promoting as the Great Reset.


This has all been planned and it is being promoted by the infamous Davos — World Economic Forum. These people are all elitists who would never walk among us who they consider the great unwashed. They have unleashed domestic violence in the world and encouraged all the suicides by imprisoning people and stripping them of all human rights. Their view is that the world is overpopulated, so thinning the herd to save the planet is justified and not genocide and Bill Gates sees no problem that 700,000 people may die from his vaccine which is an acceptable risk for him. Meanwhile, they use the media to blame Trump for 100,000 deaths as if Gates’ vaccine would save them.


Countries like Thailand saw their tourist trade collapse and countless food lines, all for a fake virus. These elitists have used the press to terrorize the people to achieve their goal to recreate the world economy as “greener, smarter, and fairer.” The World Economic Forum is promoting a Marxist agenda with a 50-page manifesto organized by the communist Thomas Piketty. The Forum promotes a new Marxist world, calling upon Piketty’s “urgent new message on how to fight inequality” where they want to attack anyone with wealth. Their proposal for Europe is to increase taxation by 400%!


Karl Marx tried this before and over 200 million people lost their lives. This is what Socrates has been forecasting — the destruction of Western Society. This new report puts the faces behind the plot and this is the fight between human rights and oppression.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.9661281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1362 >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

Oil Spill: 50,000 Gallons Leaked By Trans Mountain Pipeline Onto Indigenous Land


About 190,000 liters or approximately 50,000 gallons of oil has been spilled on Indigenous land in British Columbia by Canada’s Trans Mountain pipeline.


The Trans Mountain pipeline was bought by the Canadian government from Kinder Morgan Canada in 2018, after they had come up against regulatory and legal hurdles to expansion.


According to comments made by Chief Dalton Silver of the Sumas First Nation, the oil was spilled onto fields near the town of Abbotsford. He says these fields cover an aquifer which is a source of drinking water for his people. It was also reported to be the fourth spill in the last 15 years.


“We cannot continue to have our land desecrated by oil spills,” Chief Silver said in a statement issued by the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs.


Trans Mountain claim the spill, which occurred Saturday morning, was the result of a faulty fitting on a subsidiary oil pipe – a ‘small-diameter, one-inch piece of pipe’ – and not on the main line itself.


Within a day, the pipeline was restarted: “Following all necessary procedures and safety protocols, the Trans Mountain Pipeline was re-started at approximately 2:00 p.m. PDT today (Sunday),” read a statement on the company’s website.


The clean-up work will, however, be ongoing for at least a month. “Crews have been working around the clock and removal of all surface level product is complete. Removal of contaminated soil is underway and expected to take approximately four weeks.”


Trans Mountain have promised that ‘environmental monitoring’ will continue and claim that there is no risk to the public.


They also stated that Indigenous monitors will be given 24-hour access to the site and that ‘an archaeological study and cultural monitoring are included as part of the cleanup and remediation efforts’.


The Canada Energy Regulator, Transportation Safety Board and British Columbia Ministry of Environment are also involved in overseeing the clean-up work.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.9661302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1409 >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

‘KEEP BREATHING FOR ME!’ Body-Cam Footage Contradicts DA, Officers Administered CPR On Rayshard Brooks


In a high-profile press conference carried live by all news networks on Wednesday, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard claimed police officer Garrett Rolfe did not administer CPR after shooting Rayshard Brooks, who had wrestled a Taser away from him before trying to flee.


Rolfe’s body camera came off his uniform after Brooks wrestled and punched him, but it continued working. While there was no video of the aftermath of the shooting in a Wendy’s parking lot, the audio continued to roll.


Rolfe immediately began administering cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, and can clearly be heard pleading, “Mr. Brooks, keep breathing! Keep breathing for me!”


The jerky bodycam footage captures him kneeling on the ground and administering CPR to the bleeding man, The Daily Mail reports.


“Rolfe administered CPR until the ambulance arrived and can be heard repeatedly calling Mr. Brooks’ name as he tried to keep him alive,” said the Mail. His partner, Officer Devin Brosnan, assisted.


Howard said in his press conference that following the shooting, the officers failed to give Brooks any medical attention for two minutes and 12 seconds.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.9661334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IEEE Retraction, FCC, ICNIRP’s WHO and 5G; A Clear Path to Fascism?


“So is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” – Eisenhower




  1. February 2020 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers publishes research raising questions about safety of IOT internet connected devices

accessed June 17, 2020


  1. June 17, 2020: Deadline: FCC Seeks Comments on New Human Exposure Safety Standards for 5G and Beyond Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields


  1. June 17, 2020 information goes public that the IEEE has quietly published a retraction of Feb. 2020 article questioning safety of IOT devices.

No explanation is provided.


What We Need to Know: Has there been any collusion between industry, the FCC, IEEE, and possibly ICNIRP regarding the retraction of the article.


  1. In February of 2020, the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers published research raising questions about the safety of IOT internet connected devices: Summary of article: Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Technologies: How Safe Are We?



Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9661352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1362 >>1419 >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

US State Department OKs $600 Million Deal Giving Ukraine Gun, Radar Defense Systems


The US State Department has authorized Kiev to procure a 16-vessel Mark VI Patrol Boat fleet and associated weapons for around $600 million. Washington claims Kiev’s current forces are inadequate to combat vessels from neighboring countries.


The US Department of Defense’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) revealed on Wednesday that Washington and Kiev are one step closer to inking an estimated $600 million deal that would bolster Ukraine’s nearly non-existent defense against nearby adversaries.


According to the June 17 release, Kiev is seeking to obtain 16 Mark VI Patrol Boats, 32 MSI Seahawk A2 gun systems, 20 Electro-Optics-Infrared Radar systems, 16 Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) 5-kilometer-range loudspeaker systems, 40 MK44 cannons and an array of additional equipment necessary for carrying out water-based operations.


“Ukraine’s military has an urgent need to strengthen its capabilities to patrol and police their [exclusive economic zone], territorial waters and protect their maritime interests," an unidentified official with the US State Department told Defense News.


The official went on to claim to the outlet that Ukraine needed the new military-grade shipments over what Washington has perceived as “persistent maritime threats” reportedly posed by Russian-led forces.


The Ukrainian Armed Forces should be able to “sustain river and littoral water patrols throughout Ukraine’s [maritime] exclusive economic zone,” following the anticipated deal, the official said.


The DSCA release did not specify a particular threat to Kiev, but it did assert that the anticipated $600 million deal would benefit both Kiev and Washington.


“The proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a partner country that is a force for political stability and economic progress in Europe,” the agency said.


“The proposed sale will improve Ukraine’s capability to meet current and future threats by providing a modern, fast, short-range vessel. Ukraine will utilize the vessels to better defend its territorial waters and protect other maritime interests.”


Relations between Ukraine and the US were previously put to the test during US President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, which was launched over allegations that the president made military aid to Kiev conditional on the government’s announcement of an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, his adult son. The elder Biden will be Trump’s Democratic opponent in the November US presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.9661380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1431 >>1500 >>1614 >>1769 >>1794 >>1824

Trump calls for ‘new justices’ on Supreme Court, as conservatives rage at Roberts


President Trump, in the wake of Thursday's defeat at the Supreme Court in his efforts to repeal the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, called for new justices as conservatives took aim at Chief Justice John Roberts for what they called a “pattern” of siding with the liberal wing in key decisions.


“The recent Supreme Court decisions, not only on DACA, Sanctuary Cities, Census, and others, tell you only one thing, we need NEW JUSTICES of the Supreme Court. If the Radical Left Democrats assume power, your Second Amendment, Right to Life, Secure Borders, and … Religious Liberty, among many other things, are OVER and GONE!” he tweeted.


He went on to promise that he will release a “new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees, which may include some, or many of those already on the list, by September 1, 2020.”


Trump’s call comes after the court ruled Thursday, in a 5-4 decision penned by Roberts, that his reversal of former President Barack Obama’s executive order –­ that shielded immigrants who came to the country illegally as children from deportation –­ was in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), which sets out rulemaking procedures for federal agencies.


While Democrats and immigration activists cheered the decision, conservatives fumed at the ruling, accusing the justices of preventing Trump from overturning what they have long seen as an illegal executive order. As the day went on, their ire turned to Roberts – the Bush appointee who has a history of deciding outcomes favorable to liberals by siding with the liberal bloc.


It was Roberts who, by siding with the liberal wing and reinterpreting an individual mandate as a tax, allowed ObamaCare to be found constitutional in 2012. Last year, he joined with the wing again in shutting down Trump’s efforts to add a citizenship question to the census.


“Over recent years more and more Chief Justice Roberts has been playing games with the court to achieve the policy outcomes he desires,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on the Senate floor, before citing past instances of what he called "sleight of hands" by Roberts, adding: "This is becoming a pattern."



Anonymous ID: 66fa3a June 18, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.9661400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614 >>1769 >>1824

'Congress Targets Social Media Companies for Circulating Chinese Propaganda


New investigation finds Twitter, Facebook, YouTube permitting communist misinformation


The country’s largest social media companies are allowing the Chinese Communist Party to disseminate propaganda to American audiences with little oversight or warning, according to an ongoing congressional investigation into these companies’ failure to police suspect content.


Investigators with the House Foreign Affairs Committee have been pressing Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to deplatform Chinese Communist Party officials and news outlets for disseminating propaganda, particularly related to the coronavirus, but each of the sites has failed to take adequate action. In most cases, Communist Party propaganda freely circulates on these sites without labels identifying the information as questionable.


While each of these sites has begun aggressively policing conservative provocateurs and even President Donald Trump, they have been lax about applying the same standards to Chinese officials and state-controlled news outlets that regularly traffic in unfounded conspiracy theories, congressional officials with knowledge of the investigation told the Washington Free Beacon. In many cases, these websites allowed communist leaders and outlets to post outright lies about the coronavirus pandemic, including the claim that American military leaders created the coronavirus and planted it in China.


The investigation, run by House Foreign Affairs Committee leader Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), is part of a broader effort by congressional leaders to crack down on China’s influence operations in the United States.


The findings of the investigation were presented in the form of report cards grading each company on whether it has banned communist officials and news outlets, applied warning labels to their content, and fact-checked their claims for accuracy. All of the websites failed these tests: Twitter received a D-, Facebook a C+, and YouTube a C-, grades that imply each still permits the dissemination of anti-U.S. communist propaganda, often without warning labels for readers.