Anonymous ID: f133c6 June 18, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.9661403   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The Q intelligence drop operation was solely for information purposes only


Where the FK you been the last 100 Plus years…..READ a BOOK…DUMMY…..OR …Go back to CNN…TWIT…kekekek


What is Perception Management and why it is Important for Organizational Success

What is Perception Management and Why it is So Important for Corporates

We often hear the term, perceptions matter more than reality bandied about in the media and in organizational behaviour textbooks.


In addition, we also come across how marketers and branding experts often indulge in perception management wherein they create a positive climate for their products to be sold in the market.


Moreover, we also read how equity markets and share traders often base their buy and sell orders on perceptions of publicly held companies. So, what is perception management and why is it so important for organizations.


First, perception is how we think about a particular person, situation, event, or anything for that matter based on the stimuli we receive and the feelings and thoughts that we have about that entity.


Mind you, the entity in question might or might not be what we perceive them to be and this is where perception management is important as irrespective of reality, we either perceive that entity in a favourable manner or we have a negative perception.


Therefore, the art and science of perception management is all about how entities create a favourable impression of themselves to their stakeholders be it prospective or existing employees, shareholders, consumers, and society at large. Thus, organizations have to ensure that they are perceived well by their stakeholders.


Real World Examples of Successful Perception Management

Anonymous ID: f133c6 June 18, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.9661555   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BUT….WE also don't provoke them…And WE WILL Also know …When the right time is…IF memory serves …AS Q said …Timing is EVERYTHING…..AS Q also said let them Expose themselves 1st….DON"T fall into the Trap they have set..

Anonymous ID: f133c6 June 18, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.9661719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1728 >>1817



(Jun. 18, 2020) — OK, so as the nation’s fabric continues to rip at the bloody hands of Antifa thugs, BLM agitators and clueless Democrat mayors, governors and congressmen, we are nearing that time when the only remaining option is to take the gloves off. Stated otherwise, it is time to tell it like it is. Soooo…., here we go.


First, as for the purported “popularity” of the Black Lives Matter phenomenon, Tucker Carlson correctly notes that the BLM spasm has become a dangerous political force to be reckoned with. Soon, look for cancel culture storm troopers to demand that the federal Bureau of Land Management – the original “BLM” – change its name, because a “higher calling” requires that a more “woke,” albeit fundamentally racist, organization be awarded that abbreviation.


And if Joe (“What University of Delaware records?”) Biden is elected president, rest assured, that name change would take place “on the first day in the Oval Office.” The Left’s insanity is becoming just…, well…, that: insane. In the remainder of this offering, the abbreviation “BLM” will be a reference to the illegitimate Black Lives Matter cabal, not the legitimate federal agency.


Take the time to watch and read Tucker Carlson’s segment in the link embedded in the preceding paragraph. Many will not like what he has to say about BLM, just as many do not like listening to the truth. That aside, whenever you see BLM “peaceful rallies” where signs like “Kill a Cop – Save a Life” and “%#@& the Police” are proudly waved about, you know… or should know… that there is something very wrong underlying that movement. And very dangerous, too. Free speech is one thing: incitements to riot and atmospherics promoting the killing of police officers are quite another.