The rights awarded to trannies was not, however.
Do anons realize that if Trump decides to take on the neocon foreign policy that the riots, the allegations, the censorship…would all disappear overnight?
He won't do it.
Think about that.
Our enemies are globohomos…American adventurism is a necessary pawn on the world stage. They can wreck the American economy through foreign wars, killing multiple birds with one stone. They want one-world government, with themselves in control of Eurasia and the ME…for the benefit of the friends of Israel.
Brzezinski…grand chess board…Hegelian dialectic. Why do they create ISIS and foment terrorism? Who has to appear to be the savior of the West?
Foreign policy is KEY…that and the Fed and Israel.
Without the wars, they lose their justification to move pieces on the board. They lose support as Americans learn life and prosperity with peace.
Continue the wars, and they can tolerate Trump. When was the ONE time they sang his praises? When he launched a strike in Syria…they talked about how "presidential he was"…but they were mistaken, because it wasn't a prelude to a new war.
Domestic insurrection is reactionary. It was not the intended path the enemy had planned out ("they never thought she'd lose"). You know this.
Someone who is within the Republican/Conservative sphere and hated by the left would be more shocking, because it would instantaneously cause every Dem supporter to stop and think.
Interdasting theory, anon….
"clean and swift" is not a bloodbath. And if enemy assets were removed over the last three years, that's exactly what it would be.