>To file a DMCA takedown notice, please email compliance@isitwetyet.com. In the interest of
transparency, notices of claimed infringement will be posted on >>>/delete/.
>Is It Wet Yet Inc.
Q, bro…
>To file a DMCA takedown notice, please email compliance@isitwetyet.com. In the interest of
transparency, notices of claimed infringement will be posted on >>>/delete/.
>Is It Wet Yet Inc.
Q, bro…
Ve-e-e-e-e-e-e-ry bottom of the page, guys.
>To file a DMCA takedown notice, please email compliance@isitwetyet.com. In the interest of transparency, notices of claimed infringement will be posted on >>>/delete/.
>Is It Wet Yet Inc.
Board made by the pig-farmerfather of the Judas midgetand this is how we're representing ourselves?
Only a little while longer.
Though, those that "abandon" are not enemies; they serve as the "informed" N.P.C.'s.
Got to admit, anon, where are you going with it?
Just seems like a benign statistic story unless I'm missing something?
(Elaborate, genuinely)
The crack addict turns in his dealers?
(This guy was a public stunt from the start, fyi)
(On who's side, you decide…)
This place is going/intended to be shit for a while…
I'll serve you right for it, anon.
(You call it out. And hopefully not a shill)
Forgive me, anons.
It's all a constant stream…