Very "small", Mr. Chekov
Not sure when it was discussed. Not when Q posted, but probably a time after.
I found this image that I saved, it looks like a match to me. The photo was taken in Winter time (assumed to be in December).
One should be able to find the time of evening by looking at the photograph in comparison to the stars and the horizon.
Filtered image you can see the stars better.
I also included the original image.
Did the one nigger just say that "if any of these cops pull a gun, we need to grab it and shoot their ass!"??????
What beer will look like if Dems take control of White House.
Yeah, thusly why I am exercising and only eating one meal in the evening right now. Drinking tea during the day.
I did weigh 420 lbs when COVID hit. Now I'm weighing 380. Still a fat fuck, but I'm working on it! My heart is okay, no diabetes.
Orion rises late in the evening in December, then Sirius rises just before dawn.