Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.9666711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6803

Abrams Pitches Self for VP Slot: I Understand the Moment — I Was an Activist


Thursday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams made her case for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to choose her as his running mate.


Host Judy Woodruff asked, “We know Joe Biden is considering you, among others, to be his vice-presidential running mate. Why are you the most qualified? You haven’t served in the Congress and the Senate, you haven’t run a state. What is your answer to that?”


Abrams said, “My answer is that Joe Biden knows who the most qualified person for him to be his partner will be. I have never espoused I am more qualified than anyone else. He has a surfeit of good opportunities and fantastic, smart, capable women. I simply have said when asked if I’m in that number, I would say yes. I have legislative experience. I have deep legislative experience and success on a number of these issues, criminal justice reform, environmental issues, reproductive health, healthcare, economics. Also, I am a small business owner that understands the economy that we have to reform and recover. I am someone who’s worked in foreign policy. I understand the moment that we’re in because I was once an activist who pushed for change, and I used that to propel me to help deliver that change once I was in office. And I think as he looks to select a partner, I think he has no shortage of good choices, and I’m proud to be among the names that he’s considering.”

Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.9666740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6760 >>6767 >>6993 >>7195 >>7207 >>7272

What Spike? Hospitalization Data Show No Indication of a Second Wave


Are we on the verge of a second wave of coronavirus infections? Is there a spike in infections in states that reopened first?


The only way to answer that question is to watch as the data roll in. Arguably the best data to look at to see if a second wave is beginning are the hospitalization numbers. The media frequently reports the biggest and most dramatic numbers, often devoid of context. The number of cases has been reported regularly since the early days of the pandemic, and yet we know that the number of cases can be misleading.


As more people are tested and re-tested for the virus, more results will come back positive, with the current number of confirmed cases exceeding 2 million in the U.S. But if we know anything, it is that increases in the number of confirmed cases do not accurately convey how quickly and widely the virus is spreading. Antibody tests and even the examination of sewage in some cities suggest that the number of infections is likely much higher than the number of confirmed cases.


But on the other side, some of the confirmed cases are double-counted in some states partly because both antibody and active virus tests are being counted separately but then combined in the total number of cases. While the antibody tests have been criticized for their false positive rate, another criticism has been that the antibody studies can underreport infection rates because they are not sensitive enough to detect a past mild infection.


Overall, because the bulk of testing is focused on people who are the sickest and who face the greatest exposure, it seems reasonable to conclude that the true number of U.S. infections is substantially higher than the reported figure. But an attempt to estimate the true number of infections would be little better than a guess.


And this presents a problem with the daily updates. To say that a particular state or city is seeing a “spike” in cases is to say that recently they have had an uptick in positive test results. That could be due to more testing and more ways of testing, or it could be a hint of growth in the infection rate.

Better Data are Available


Rather than focus on test results, i.e. “cases,” it would make more sense to focus on how the virus affects society and our institutions, particularly the strain the virus puts on health care facilities and health care providers. An obvious measure, tracked since the beginning of the pandemic, is the number of deaths. As I and others at AIER have noted, the number of deaths is hard to interpret without important context.


The coronavirus is obviously deadly, but how deadly it is seems to depend greatly on how it enters a population and the characteristics of that population. The virus has been far deadlier in New York than it has been in California, and has been most deadly in U.S. long-term care facilities. Among children, the coronavirus is considerably less deadly than seasonal influenza.


Nonetheless, deaths tell us something important about the virus’s impact on society. They profoundly affect entire social networks and are rightly emphasized in pandemic reporting.

Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.9666750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Campaign: Joe Biden Is China, Osama bin Laden’s Dream President


President Donald Trump on Thursday said that former Vice President Joe Biden was “China’s dream” president for the United States as his campaign released an ad claiming that Biden was also endorsed by slain terrorist Osama bin Laden.


“He’s China’s dream,” Trump said, also referring to bin Laden’s comments about how the United States would be in a crisis if then-president Barack Obama was assassinated and Biden became president.


“Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis,” bin Laden wrote to his deputy in a letter revealed in 2012. The former terrorist leader wanted to assassinate Obama so Biden would become president.


The president spoke about the upcoming election with his son Donald Trump Jr. in an interview for his campaign-sponsored show Triggered.


Donald Trump Jr. launched a new ad featuring comments that bin Laden made about Biden:


Joe Biden received endorsements by Osama bin Laden. After our brave warriors took him out, which Joe Biden was against doing, bin Laden planned to attack Obama to make Joe Biden president, thinking that would be enough of a U.S. disaster in and of itself.

Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.9666787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6840

MSM SILENCE: Elitists Gather In Swiss Town To Finalize Our Enslavement, “The Great Reset,” & NWO


Make no mistake, this will be absolute tyranny on a global scale. The mainstream media is silent as the elitists who want power over every human on Earth plan to meet in a Swiss town to discuss “the Great Reset,” a push to a one-world currency – one in which they have ultimate control.


The plan is to make sure a “post-COVID” world is built the way they want it. Slavery and totalitarian control. If you haven’t figured out now that the system was put there to protect them, not you, line up for the Bill Gates sponsored vaccine. Things are going to get much uglier, and quick. The objective of this meeting is the “rebuilding” of the world’s economic and social system in order to make it more “sustainable.”


It sounds good, right? But, by more sustainable, they mean more enslaveable.


“Nothing will ever be the same again.” It was the mantra that we heard in many countries at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. It came with a warning that a “new normal” would replace the existing order. Easy travel, interpersonal relations, large gatherings, even things like shaking hands would have to give way to long-term social distancing, drastic rules, and surveillance. But these changes on the personal level are only a part of the picture. The World Economic Forum, together with Prince Charles of England and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has launched an initiative revealingly dubbed “The Great Reset,” with the objective of “rebuilding” the world’s economic and social system in order to make it more “sustainable.” –Life Site News


The Great Reset Is Here: Prepare For The NWO & Enslavement


If you cannot be bothered to understand that the best way to protect yourself is to remove yourself from the system of slavery that was already set up, that they are desperately trying to keep you in, then you’re going to likely get caught up in this mess.


The idea of a “Great Reset” has received the full support of the United Nations secretary-general, António Guterres, former president of the Socialist International from 1999 to 2005. Is anyone surprised? The reset has been planned for a long time:


The End Game Has Arrived: ‘All Signs and Evidence Point to the Great Global Economic Reset’


It was already being talked about before the Chinese coronavirus was moving out of Wuhan. On December 30, 2019, for instance, the Financial Times published a YouTube presentation under the title “Why capitalism needs to be reset in 2020.” (As if any country has capitalism anymore. Most, and yes, even the United States, are now at the very least, corporatocracies – the merging of governments and corporations, masquerading as crony corporatism.) But the globalists are pushing a theme that capitalism (which means no interference in the market/economy) is the problem, even though literally everything is centralized. The recurring theme is “stakeholder capitalism,” by which “a company’s approach to people, the planet, and innovation — including how it protects and applies the value-added of its data — must figure more prominently in capital-allocation decisions” (as the WEForum site explains).


Prepare by refusing to accept their new one-world currency. Stock up on precious metals, gold, silver, and lead.

Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.9666801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New drone unit opens in the IDF’s secretive Unit 9900


Unit 9900 is responsible for gathering visual intelligence including geographical data from satellites and aircraft.


A new drone unit which will serve under the IDF’s secretive Intelligence Division’s VISINT 9900 Unit, was officially opened on Wednesday.


Unit 9900 is responsible for gathering visual intelligence including geographical data from satellites and aircraft, as well as mapping and interpreting the visual intelligence for troops on the battlefield as well as decision-makers.


The operations of Unit 9900, which serves a critical role for the military by shaping its intelligence map, are usually kept confidential.

The IDF’s Intelligence Directorate has internalized the endless potential and growing trend of using unmanned aircrafts. The drone unit which opened on Wednesday will be responsible for gathering high-precision intelligence at high resolutions using multi-rotor drones and other advanced technologies.


“The unit will be a significant multiplier of 9900’s ability to provide geo-visual intelligence. The relative advantage of using multi-rotor drones is the ability to operate under varying conditions such as day and night, changing weather conditions and the fact that these are relatively cheap and available tools,” the IDF said in a statement provided to The Jerusalem Post.


About a week ago, a General Staff administration that oversees intelligence-enriched warfare opened in the intelligence directorate. It was formed under the IDF’s Momentum multi-year program which aims to make the military more lethal in scope and accuracy and improve the IDF’s combat abilities against the “disappearing enemy” on the battlefield.


The new administration, headed by the commander of Unit 9900, will gather under one roof in a multi-dimensional manner with troops and officers from various other units from fields of technology, reconnaissance, research, and more.


The head of the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate, Maj.-Gen. Tamir Heyman, said that their mission would be to “make intelligence available to combat forces in the field in a way that can best meet the challenge of exposing the enemy.”

Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.9666830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6852 >>6857 >>6863 >>6870 >>6993 >>7272

Twitter Labels Trump's Post as 'Manipulated Media'


Relations between US President Donald Trump and social media have been tense, as POTUS claims it is "controlled" by the "Radical left", and is retaliated by flagging his posts and limiting promotion for his accounts.


Twitter flagged yet another tweet by Donald Trump as "manipulated media", labeling a post in which Trump shared a fake CNN clip with two toddlers - one black and one white - running on the street, with ominous background music and a CNN-like caption saying “terrified todler[sic] runs from racist baby.”


Then, the video revealed the actual story of two toddlers hugging and having fun, ending with the words "America isn't the problem. Fake news is. If you see something, say something".


“This tweet has been labeled per our synthetic and manipulated media policy to give people more context,” a Twitter spokesperson said, cited by The Hill.


This is the third time Trump's tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The first saw the President falsely tweeting about mail-in voting, and then a second tweet on the George Floyd protests, in which Trump used the well-known racist phrase "when the looting starts, the shooting starts".


Trump opposed the flagging, announcing an executive order that could make it easier for people to sue social media platforms.


Earlier, Facebook removed ads for Trump's re-election campaign after they using a red triangle symbol, which was used by the Nazis to denote political prisoners in concentration camps. Trump's campaign defended their ads by suggesting that the red triangle is "an emoji", and also falsely claimed that the symbol is "widely used by Antifa".

Anonymous ID: 7e4f21 June 18, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9667119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7189

NSW Labor MP Julia Finn quits shadow cabinet over branch stacking allegations


State Opposition MP Julia Finn has resigned from Shadow Cabinet, amid Labor's deepening branch stacking controversy.


The Member for Granville stepped down from her shadow portfolio this afternoon.


Ms Finn was named in an internal investigation into branch stacking issues.


But a senior Labor MP this week told Parliament no recommendations against Ms Finn were made in the report.


She is expected to release a statement in the coming hours.


Ms Finn's resignation follows the publication earlier this week by News Corp of an internal NSW Labor Party report detailing allegations of branch stacking at several Western Sydney branches.


The branches under suspicion include Granville, of which Ms Finn is the member, as well as Parramatta and Auburn.


The report, which was handed to party bosses in March, found branch attendance records were falsified, false addresses were used on memberships and that there was evidence party officials paid for memberships for other people.


Ms Finn was named in the report but did not have a finding of "unworthy conduct" made against her.


Earlier this week NSW Labor leader Jody McKay said she had spoken to Ms Finn and was "satisfied" with her explanation and would not be sacking her from shadow cabinet.


Ms McKay is yet to comment on Ms Finn's resignation.


The accusations against the NSW Labor Party follow damning allegations of "industrial-scale" branch stacking in the Victorian Labor Party.