>@parscales on why Parler
If all patriots would leave twatter and go to parler,
the Left would have won.
Twatter censors patriots and other dissenters.
It makes no difference if the Left censors or if people with other opinions just vanish from twatter.
The Left's goal is to create the illusion that all people, or the majority of all people think the way, leftists do.
Parscale, Bongino, Scavino promoting Parler tells me that they want people to leave twatter.
But it also tells me that the Trump administration isn't able to reign in Big Tech.
Calling for patriots to just leave the public space for being censored means that censorship won.
Will twatter shrivel to a nonimportant space for just the hardcore left then?
I doubt it.
The "unpolitical" majority of the people will just stay on twatter and think that it is "normal" and therefore acceptable that all the opinions of the left are "how evreybody thinks".
A big win for the Left and another big loss for the Right.
You don't leave Central Park, NYC, in the 80's because the thugs took over.
You send in the law enforcement to take the place back for ALL citizens.