Sarah Lenti came to my attention reading this article about a child rapist in a charity in Liberia, referenced by this anon's post:
When I read this in the article "MTM engaged public relations specialist Sarah Lenti, who had worked for Mitt Romney and Condoleezza Rice. Four days after the arrest, a press release appeared on the charity’s site." - Essentially, they asked themselves, who do we get to spin this and put all the blame on Liberian culture and that bad black man, and we dindo nuffin.
I got curious about this PR consultant. Digging deeper, it turns out that she is not really a PR consultant that one would find looking in the Yellow Pages under Public Relations, Sex Abuse Scandal, she's more of a political campaign consultant and RINO activist.
Not sure how a political consultant with no experience in Africa or sex abuse allegations would meet the needs of the MTM, but apparently they thought she would.