looks like a little bit of Summer shower action about to happen.
legacy of race splaining in marxist messaging about Christians, whom they know nothing about.
they think that they 'own' the 'play' button
Google, the play button that no one wants.
pretending to be a place where they would collect links and share it all, for the purposes of free speech, and don't be evil, they morphed into a place that saught to be the controller of all links and ideas, and that no one should be able to 'play' anything without their permission or them making a profit on it.
Google and social media don't have to have redpills because people can just see how fucked up they are. no one will argue when you tell them that Google is a gate keeper, gaslighting for the leftist fake-narration.
rule of law. they have to read the terms of the note and follow through with it. give up that gold, ye fed, open up ye gilded coffers.
Curiously absent from the list of obvious activasts, the effort might be to 'start the revolution' so that they never have to make good on their obligations.
but that's not going to happen.
the president, under this new ruling, always gets another wish.
It would be a cool animation to make a CG basilica fly off to space . . . maybe someone's already working it, as a theme.
I'd have the corinthean columns also double as corinthean boosters.
what else? I think it has to be made of some kind of weave fabric bubble house material, and it probably def want to be inflatible and . . . it needs arches . Cause they make the lighting effects really cool, and also they hold the stresses.
oh, and animate kat that rushes through a time portal and gets followed by someone who thinks she is a jilted bride.
this is not a good thing.
cringe binge spurge, purge it, but maintain your enthusiasm.
this shit doesn't help us.
I kind of thnk this is a cool guy you're slamming.
"known to have been existent by the 2nd century"
and still in use!