Anonymous ID: 0dc262 June 19, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9672640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wha is a Meme Warrior

What is best in life?

To meme your enemies, to see them driven to their safe spaces, and to hear the lamentations of their nonbinary otherkin


Tools Needed




-Social Accounts


To begin, download FireFox browser.


Next install the following extensions:

umatrix java blocker:

https everywhere:

rtc protect:

last pass:


If you can, get Virtual box and install linux.


Install the browser and enable the extensions above.

Once you are basically secured, install Firefox Private Net:


This is a rotating proxy service, free of charge atm. enable it.


(You) will then want to proceed to and create a 'Throw Away' Account (Temp Account)

You will be limited on your posting until a phone number is entered. You have a couple choices.

  1. dont enter a phone and eventually loose the account

  2. buy a throw away cash phone (MetroPCS)

  3. use online phone/txt service (voip)


Once you have the Temp account running, you will be able to tweet to the DS and their Following.


How to craft the Tweet

(You) will first target a DS player and or thier following. Pay attention to what they are discussing.

For instance, if the player is discussing removing our guns, then you would want to counter with a gun theme.

Your meme will be gun related and your words and hashes as well.

So you might say something to this affect: .@representative I love my #Guns and my #Freedom. #Protect2a. #BeBest and have a wonderful day.

(You) will then attach a meme/graphic regarding gun rights and freedom.

Be careful waht you say and how you say it.

Add some positive vibes to the comment 'BeBest' Play a bit mad hatter as well. (crazy you say @.@)

Acting madd hatter will keep people from reporting you as they will think you are 'special'.

Use the .@ format so all their followers see the comment.

Never Reply unless You really, really, really have too.

They want you to reply so they can report you.



Use Trending Hashes for your hashes and words to use:

hash: #FridayFeeling

word: wayne


This information and tools are provided to help (You) to me more affective in your Meme Warefare.

Meme warefare is open to any who wish to halp get anon's message out to the masses.

It is best to wait until a Warroom 'Raid' is announced, such as a 5pm #ImpeachmentHoax where hashes and targets are provided.

Then we all blast at once the target. *Think Picard Manueaver.


Questions? Concerns?

Oldfags did i miss anything?


I hope this helps.





Anonymous ID: 0dc262 June 19, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9672641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looking for autistic meme warriors with a drive to Defeat Darkness and Bring the Light to the world.


*Knowledge of:

-Basic OPSEC (proxy/vpn)

-Social Networks (FB, Twitter, Insta, Pin…)

-Trump Archive #TwitterTrends FB-Groups/Pages

-Google Trends


*Common Operations include:

-Pushing Anon News and Notables to the World.

-Backing Potus Candidates H\S

-Pushing #FakeMedia Agenda

-Slow #RedPilling

-Twitter Marketing kek


>Must be willing to work in group as unit *Think Picard Manuever.

>Able to Give and Take Direction.

>Free Thinkers


What is a Meme Warrior?







Anonymous ID: 0dc262 June 19, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9672645   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When confronted with the unknown, observe what evidence is presented.

15 Types of Evidence


1. Analogical Evidence

While not a kind of evidence you’d use in court, this kind of evidence can be useful for increasing credibility by drawing parallels when there isn’t enough information to prove something in an investigation. Analogical evidence uses a comparison of things that are similar to draw an analogy.


2. Anecdotal Evidence

Anecdotal evidence isn’t used in court, but can sometimes help in an investigation to get a better picture of an issue. The biggest problem with this kind of evidence is that it is often “cherry picked” to present only anecdotes that support a particular conclusion. Consider it with skepticism, and in combination with other, more reliable, kinds of evidence.


3. Character Evidence

This is a testimony or document that is used to help prove that someone acted in a particular way based on the person’s character. While this can’t be used to prove that a person’s behavior at a certain time was consistent with his or her character, it can be used in some investigations to prove intent, motive, or opportunity.


4. Circumstantial Evidence

Also known as indirect evidence, this type of evidence is used to infer something based on a series of facts separate from the fact the argument is trying to prove. It requires a deduction of facts from other facts that can be proven and, is not considered to be strong evidence.


5. Demonstrative Evidence

An object or document is considered to be demonstrative evidence when it directly demonstrates a fact. It’s a common and reliable kind of evidence. Examples of this kind of evidence are photographs, video and audio recordings, charts, etc.


6. Digital Evidence

Digital evidence can be any sort of digital file from an electronic source. This includes email, text messages, instant messages, files and documents extracted from hard drives, electronic financial transactions, audio files, video files. Digital evidence can be found on any server or device that stores data, including some lesser-known sources such as home video game consoles, GPS sport watches and internet-enabled devices used in home automation. Digital evidence is often found through internet searches using open source intelligence (OSINT).


7. Direct Evidence

The most powerful type of evidence, direct evidence requires no inference. The evidence alone is the proof.


8. Documentary Evidence

Most commonly considered to be written forms of proof, such as letters or wills, documentary evidence can also include other types of media, such as images, video or audio recordings, etc.


9. Exculpatory Evidence

This type of evidence can exonerate a defendant in a – usually criminal – case. Prosecutors and police are required to disclose to the defendant any exculpatory evidence they find or risk having the case dismissed.


10. Forensic Evidence

Forensic Evidence is scientific evidence, such as DNA, trace evidence, fingerprints or ballistics reports, and can provide proof to establish a person’s guilt or innocence. Forensic evidence is generally considered to be strong and reliable evidence and alongside helping to convict criminals, its role in exonerating the innocent has been well documented. The term “forensic” means “for the courts”.


11. Hearsay Evidence

Hearsay evidence consists of statements made by witnesses who are not present. Hearsay evidence is not admissible in court.


12. Physical Evidence

As would be expected, evidence that is in the form of a tangible object, such as a firearm, fingerprints, rope purportedly used to strangle someone, or tire casts from a crime scene, is considered to be physical evidence. Physical evidence is also known as “real” or “material” evidence. It can be presented in court as an exhibit of a physical object, captured in still or moving images, described in text, audio or video or referred to in documents.


13. Prima Facie Evidence

Meaning “on its first appearance” this is evidence presented before a trial that is enough to prove something until it is successfully disproved or rebutted at trial. This is also called “presumptive evidence”.


14. Statistical Evidence

Evidence that uses numbers (or statistics) to support a position is called statistical evidence. This type of evidence is based on research or polls.


15. Testimonial Evidence

One of the most common forms of evidence, this is either spoken or written evidence given by a witness under oath. It can be gathered in court, at a deposition or through an affidavit.

Anonymous ID: 0dc262 June 19, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9672649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Operation Overlord

The Strategy: Intense combination of former tactics deployed during the 2016 Election.

The Goal: Give POTUS better chance in 2020 Election


Step 1: Influence all Twatter polls by leftfags. This means dropping sauce to all polls conducted by PROMINENT twatter users. Influence these polls to favor Trump and the MAGA establishment.


Step 2: Wikipedia Raids. From here, Anons will continually bombard any Wikipedia pages that are able to be remotely edited without verification needed. If we can, vandalize Joe Biden page by including the Joe Biden sexual assault allegations.


This will be a continuous effort as Wikipediafags will attempt to revert the page and scrub the page clean of changes.


Step 3: Meme Warfare. This will include memes to show the NPC mindset of leftfags. This does not mean the recycling of OLD memes, but the same idea must be exposed.


Step 4: here’s where Anons can be creative.


Think of any meme that will force Demofags and Uncertainfags to research. Create memes that allude to information that is verified.


Step 5: Extreme information warfare. Push verified independent news sources. MSMfags must be beaten by the truth and be forced to swallow the red pill.


Step 6: Troll or report the twatterfags that reply to POTUS within seconds. We cannot allow leftfags to have a rallying point. I’m talking Jeff Tiedrich, Eugene Gu MD, Jeffery Guterman etc. Uf we cut the head(a) off the snake, the rest will flee.