>>9671301 lb
What an ultimate of strawmen!
The Doctrine of Christ was fully given and received in the time of the Apostles, as Jude reminded. He also warned about infiltrators sneaking in "unawares", meaning unbeknownst to the congregation.
ANY religious organization calling itself Christian claiming to have "developed" the "theology" blinds ANYONE released to be deceived by it, no matter in WHICH nation it is located.
Of course, he's lumping in all Christian congregations which happen to have a primarily white membership, and he's also disregarding centuries of history where the early Christians traveled primarily first through the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was based in EUROPE, made up of what would be characterized as "whites", including northern Africa and the Middle East. After the horrors of a Europe under the control of the Papacy, Europeans, at that time primarily white, sought to gain freedom from that past oppression. It is these primarily white colonists that sought that freedom in the new world.
With them, they brought their new formed congregations free of the Papacy and its influence in Britain's state church. These congregations were a contrast to the oppressive Popish influence also invading the new world. If not for this, slaves arriving from the old world would not have had access to Christianity free of the Papacy.