Concernfagging this whole India and China border dispute I’ve heard on news. News reports that China has been moving tons of stuff near the Galwan Valley close to the disputed border with India. The right side of the boundary line in photos is China and left is India. Definitely not favorable for India. Most high ground is China’s and not to mention inlet valleys leading into there are flanked by ridge lines. See some odd counterintuitive snow lines off the mountains in one image on the China side.
If you’ve read the art of war you would know to never face an enemy on the battlefield they’ve created. I think the chicoms are dug in pretty deep and set a snare if India is provoked into war.
The images are from google maps satellite view of near the Galwan Valley in disputed India and China territory. If you follow the border line and see the topography you can see how much of a nightmare that place would be for India if hell broke out.
Hoping for peace.