COVID-19: A hoax to collapse the Main Street economy while the FED prints trillions for free to then buy up our assets on the cheap. A tried and true tactic seen in various forms for over the past 100 years.
COVID-19: A hoax to collapse the Main Street economy while the FED prints trillions for free to then buy up our assets on the cheap. A tried and true tactic seen in various forms for over the past 100 years.
The same person who financed the revolution in Ukraine is financing BLM and AntiFa in the U.S.
What's that tell you?
When will George Soros be put on the FBI's Terrorist Watch list? @realDonaldTrump?
They hid the truth about 9/11, fooled us into the Iraq war, swindled us into the financial collapse bailouts, lied us into bombing Lybia and Syria, force fed the fake RussiaGate narrative, and still we fell for the COVID lockdown hoax.
When will we learn?
BLM says many things about Whites that are eerily similar to what the Nazis said about Jews.
Ironic since BLM is financed by George Soros who was a literal Nazi collaborator.
Hitler told the Germans that the Jews had privelage and it was the Jews' fault for all their problems.
Today, we call that anti-Semetic.
Why is this allowed:
CNN: White Children "Don't Deserve Innocence"
Are you ready for the US to follow in the steps of S. Africa?
BLM's next mottos:
South Africa votes through motion that could lead to seizure of land from white farmers without compensation.
'We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land'
South Africa: Taking farms from whites is justified because 'it's not really their land', says EFF spokesman
โWhite people ought to accept the crime of apartheidโ
Since Nelson Mandela and the communist African National Congress (ANC) took over South Africa, more than 70,000 whites have been murdered and untold numbers have been robbed, raped and tortured.
See the purpose of the race baiting yet?
Ready for social justice courts where BLM is the judge and the middle class gets dragged in to have their assets seized and their persons sent to worker camps or shot?
It's coming.
All the kids are indoctrinated with race hate. Hate for the USA. Communist indoctrination, etc.
From elementary to college. Now they'll start entering positions of power, put there by the globalists who created them.
South Africaโs present is the westโs future if it continues down its current path
Your Black Future
Marxist Witches of South Africa
In 1969 undercover FBI agent Larry Grathwohl infiltrated the Weather Underground. Bill Ayers said when he took over America he would send Patriots to re-education camps and murder those who would not accept the New World Order. He estimated he would have to murder 25 million American Patriots.
Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools.
Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.
The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground.
>This is so much more than end the fed
Nothing will be fixed until the source of their power is stopped.
End The Fed
And you'll keep hoping for that as they drag you away to the gulag.
Chaz is the practice drill to serve as the model for everywhere else once they make their move.
Just like Event 201 was the practice drill for the COVID op.
>End The Fed
>sorry but you're gonna have to settle for a restructuring instead.
Ya the FED is restructuring by buying ALL US gov't debt issuance and corporate bond debt.
If the debtor is slave to the lender, then I see how this restructuring will pan out
>Q is in the process of confronting all this
Can you sauce that?
Honestly, forget about Q and use this board for what you would otherwise want to do if he didn't exist. He is irrelevant to us
That's why the UN wants to bring in 600 million migrants to the US
>Jews ARE the nazis.
The cartels are controlled by the Big Banks and the Big Banks control the U.S., so gl hoping for anything to change
>I think their re-education camps started a long time ago.
Yup and now its in full swing and everyone who comes out of grade school and college is fully indoctrinated.
They won't even need a revolution once the current people in the system get replaced with the new generation
If you know anything about who Barr is, you wouldn't have had any hope in the first place
>Gotta thank the CIA for their oversight too
The CIA is their secret, unaccountable army which goes hand in hand with their privately owned, unaccountable central bank.
The CIA brings in the drugs, the banks launder the cash, the tax-free proceeds then get used to buy up the community where the drugs have cause unemployment and loss of property value while the banks gave the citizens loans they couldn't pay and then raised the interest rates.
So is all of Judaism actually Satanic?
I'm just wondering, are the regular everyday Jews in on it too, or is it mostly the high level ones?