Big ass Chinook helicopter flew over my house a minute ago in Everett WA.
Wasn't on radar. Pretty cool to see.
Didn't get a pic but here's this one.
Big ass Chinook helicopter flew over my house a minute ago in Everett WA.
Wasn't on radar. Pretty cool to see.
Didn't get a pic but here's this one.
pb >>9673695
>Acosta mentions Qanon at the 12:26 mark
Fuck off asshole.
Acosta doesn't mention Qanon at 12:26. Peter Alexander is speaking at that time and asks "why does Trump keep hiring people that are dumb as a rock etc."
I see what you did there.
>they are tracking everyone all the time.
They always were.
Here's the deal. Leave your phone at home unless you absolutely need to bring it. If you do bring it, keep it wrapped in RF blocking fabric until you need to use it.
Better yet, cancel your "service" and have a land line only. It is not hard.
Why are we paying them to spy on us?