I will notable my self, but this should be shared as time is ticking to do this:
Everyone going to Tulsa rally will be given a corona mask at the door if they wish to wear one.
All going should bring extra large black sharpie pens
and on the inside of their corona masks
'they should draw a huge Q.
Flip the mask at a time during the rally when all see others doing so.
Some may wish to write Qmap.pub
a play on Covid-19
My hope is that the free masks Trump rally hands out at the door
will already say
Trump 2020 on the front of the mask.
They would in an instant be collector items
same way they give bats and bobbleheads are at ballgames.
Tomorrow is going to be some day.
Make sure to have a second tv or device set to CSPAN to see the entire event as TV will not be showing the entire event as they always talk over so much of it.
Maybe even have TV, Cspan, RSBN open, so you have many different camera angles capturing many corners of the Tulsa area.
Have as many livestreams as well.
Make sure you record, save and download any event.