cringe and creepy weird; get help quality cringe.
the craven 'IQ' dweller is usually a victim child. Grand pa like him and didn't eat him, like he did the others.
you must be being paid a lot to put out their poison for them.
'but I was supposed be dictator for life . . . '
"llook how evil my cable company is, they show poison images. Here, let me post them in full size so you can all see the poison curses too"
defund Dotorg mob
remove tax breaks for dot org donations.
charitable donations of corporations be as such:
a list is provide to the owners of the stock and they get to choose who to donate to for their part, or hold off that year.
prohibit corporate donations to charities without shareholder approval.
if a shareholder does not approve, that portion is not donated and remitted to the shareholder.
they aren't planning on ruling, they are planning on a confligration and destruction of the country.