big mike better lift that seat. Dripping all over it so obama has to sit on piss. Granted nig prob enjoys it.
too bad they are. Try harder.
ok lets break this down for a mouth breather like you. While people can convert to what they call the religion of judaism, they are also a cultural people, if that was not the case why do they complain so much about their wretched homeland, which they say is isreal. Those people the ones you are confusing with the hebrews of old are nothing but the remnants of the ancient slaves of bablyon which then took on the satanic practices which they imbued into what is now known as judaism. They rejected the God that took them out of bondage and worshiped a new one. Then they fucked up for another few thousand years till they killed Gods kid. Then they fucked up more and realized that they would never get into heaven so maybe you should look up what happened in 1666. Try harder faggot.
KYS HOMO. also lay off the tips.
have you farted at least?