Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.9682933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2986 >>3014

Police Looking for Far Left Arsonist Natalie White for Torching Atlanta Wendy’s Restaurant in Black Lives Matter Rioting


A week ago on Saturday night protesters torched the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta following the death of Rayshard Brooks.


One video that went viral online shows a white girl and ally of Black Lives Matter torching the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta.


The white girl is seen pouring lighter fluid inside the restaurant.


The Wendy’s restaurant was completely destroyed by the leftist protesters that night.


Atlanta authorities identified Natalie White as the Wendy’s arsonist on Saturday.

Officials are try to locate the far left arsonist.


The Atlanta fire officials released photos of Natalie White purchasing supplies before she lit the Wendy’s on fire on Saturday.

Note that she is wearing the same clothing as during her criminal activity.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.9682955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3206 >>3293 >>3461

Vote by hypocritical UN Human Rights Council on race and policing in US is ‘new low’ – Pompeo


The US has slammed the UN Human Rights Council for holding a vote on a resolution that criticized America’s record of police brutality and racism, saying the vote demonstrated “hypocrisy” and showed why the US quit the body.


The UN rights body “has long been and remains a haven for dictators and democracies that indulge them,” Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said in a statement.


“If the Council were honest, it would recognize the strengths of American democracy and urge authoritarian regimes around the world to model American democracy and to hold their nations to the same high standards of accountability and transparency that we Americans apply to ourselves,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.9682980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3003 >>3023 >>3038 >>3047 >>3128 >>3399

True to Form – Lindsey Graham Says He Will Not Replace Berman at SDNY Unless Chuck Schumer Agrees


Attorney General Bill Barr fired Mueller attorney Geoffrey Berman on Friday.


The DOJ tweeted this out on Friday evening.


But the crooked attorney is refusing to step down.

Berman released his own statement–


Berman’s office was the lead in several high profile cases assembled by Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann.


And now Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham said he will not replace Berman without the consent of Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand.


Deep State Lindsey Graham announced he will hold up the replacement!

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.9683018   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US conservatives pull no punches after Susan Rice says Trump & his allies belong on ‘trash heap of history’


US conservatives have blasted former National Security Advisor Susan Rice for saying Trump’s allies must end up in the “trash heap of history.” Her tirade ignited a fresh online war of words between the right and the left.


Rice, a former US envoy to the UN and the White House national security advisor during Barack Obama’s presidency, went on a fiery tirade against current American leader Donald Trump on MSNBC. She slammed the Trump administration as “racist to its core.”


The ex-diplomat also expressed hope that the Democratic Party contender in the 2020 presidential race, former Vice President Joe Biden, will “remove Donald Trump and consign him and those who have supported him in the Senate to the trash heap of history.”


Rice’s harsh rhetoric immediately sparked backlash among conservatives. Many found her comments similar to the ones made by Trump’s rival in the 2016 campaign, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who famously labeled Trump supporters “the basket of deplorables.”


“Obama called us ‘bitter clingers.’ Hillary called us ‘Deplorables,’” conservative organizer and activist Charlie Kirk wrote on Twitter.


Joe Biden said ’10-15% of Americans aren’t very good people.’ Susan Rice said Trump supporters should be condemned to ‘the trash heap of history.’ This is how Democrats see us. Remember that in November.


Fox News host and staunch Trump ally Sean Hannity shared a clip of Rice’s comments on social media, writing “SUSAN RICE EXPLODES.”


Rice’s tirade has struck a nerve with the online public, highlighting the current growing political division in American society.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.9683037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Says Bolton 'Broke The Law' And Will Have 'Bombs Dropped On Him' After Judge Says DOJ Likely To Win Case


Update (1215ET): Following Judge Lamberth's comments, President Trump to Twitter on Saturday, tweeting:


"Wow, I finally agree with failed political consultant Steve Schmidt, who called Wacko John Bolton “a despicable man who failed in his duty to protect America.” Also stated that he should never be allowed to serve in government again. So true! Plain and simple, John Bolton, who was all washed up until I brought him back and gave him a chance, broke the law by releasing Classified Information (in massive amounts). He must pay a very big price for this, as others have before him. This should never to happen again!!! :


The comments were followed by: "BIG COURT WIN against Bolton. Obviously, with the book already given out and leaked to many people and the media, nothing the highly respected Judge could have done about stopping it…BUT, strong & powerful statements & rulings on MONEY & on BREAKING CLASSIFICATION were made…


…Bolton broke the law and has been called out and rebuked for so doing, with a really big price to pay. He likes dropping bombs on people, and killing them. Now he will have bombs dropped on him!"

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.9683055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3164 >>3293 >>3344 >>3461

Eskimo Pie brand owner vows to change ‘derogatory’ ice cream name for the sake of… racial equality


A confectionery giant plans to rename its famous Eskimo Pie chocolate-covered vanilla ice cream bar to help achieve “racial equality.” The move comes as major brands try to appease the ‘woke’ movement.


Eskimo Pie will change the brand name and its marketing, Elizabell Marquez, a representative for the brand’s parent company, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream (part of Nestle), told Rolling Stone magazine.


We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognize the term is derogatory. This move is part of a larger review to ensure our company and brands reflect our people values.


Activists have been arguing that the word ‘Eskimo’ is inappropriate and even racist because it was first used by colonizers to refer to native people in the Arctic region, the Inuit and the Yupik.


The ice cream has been sold under the name Eskimo Pie since the early 1920s.The renewed calls for racial justice in the US and overseas are taking place along massive anti-police brutality protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of a white police officer in Minnesota last month.


In many cities across the US, protesters have toppled and defaced statues of Confederate fighters and other historical figures associated by some with slavery, racism and oppression.


Major corporations are under pressure to rename popular brands that activists view as promoting racist stereotypes. This week, PepsiCo said it will change the name of its Aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup, while Mars Inc promised to review the packaging of its Uncle Ben’s rice.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.9683090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293 >>3461

Sadiq Khan: Mandatory Masks Will Be the ‘New Normal’ for at Least Another Year


One of the great impending disasters of the COVID crisis is that despite the fact that the Coronavirus is rapidly disappearing and its true Infection Fatality Rate is in the exact same range as the seasonal flu, politicians and government health officials seem determined to roll-out the globalist “New Normal” regime.


We’re continually told by health officials and the media that the primary reason for requiring face masks is to protect people from the COVID-19 airborne pathogen. There are numerous problems with this government belief system, not least of all because it assumes that every person is equally at risk of illness due to COVID-19, which is false. The vast majority of the general population are not at risk at all, as it mainly only affects one specific demographic: over 70 years old with chronic long-term health conditions, and within that risk group the majority of complications and fatalities have been with nursing/care home residents (none of these people travel on public transport). The other reason why this virus is not a threat to the wider population is because it is seasonal in nature; it has followed the exact same trajectory of decline in every country worldwide, and by now has all but extinguished itself in any significant form. But even beyond all of this, it has already been well-established by numerous scientific experts that masks are incapable of protecting people against this or any other respiratory virus.


This means that wearing them is more a psychological reinforcement rather than any real medical prophylactic.


Even America’s health tsar, Anthony Fauci, admitted as much in a 60 Minutes interview in March, where he stated, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”


And despite all of that, the New Normal agenda is still being pushed through.


London Mayor Sadiq Khan said facemasks will be the ‘new normal’ for commuters in the capital for at least a year.


Protective face coverings are compulsory on public transport across England in a bid to keep coronavirus infection rates low and avoid a second wave of the deadly virus.


Free masks were handed out in their thousands on buses and trains in attempt to kick start the new laws on Monday as 3,000 more police took to the streets looking out for rule-breakers.


Those who don’t wear masks will face £100 penalty fines but confusion still reigned about how the regulations – followed by 90 per cent of Londoners on Monday – will be enforced, The Daily Telegraph reports.


Sadiq Khan told LBC: ‘This is part of the new normal. The reality is that for the foreseeable future – I predict for the next year or so – wearing face coverings is going to become the norm rather than the exception.’


Confederation of Passenger Transport Executive Graham Vidler told the BBC that those who are unable to wear masks due to a disability will be able to signal to a driver or conductor using a ‘journey assistance card’.


He said: ‘If passengers aren’t following the guidelines then other passengers might have difficulties with that and issues might arise.


‘That’s another reason we are encouraging people to use journey assistance cards to indicate that they have a valid reason for not wearing a face covering…

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9683114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3265

Judge rules against President Trump, allows John Bolton's book to be published


'The horse, as we used to say in Texas, seems to be out of the barn'


A federal judge handed former national security adviser John Bolton a massive legal victory Saturday, ruling that the publication of Bolton's forthcoming tell-all book can move forward.


The Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to stop the book's publication. They claimed the book's publication would jeopardize national security.


U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth disagreed — although he did not let Bolton completely off the hook, either.


"While Bolton's unilateral conduct raises grave national security concerns, the government has not established that an injunction is an appropriate remedy," Lamberth ruled.


Ultimately, Lamberth said that stopping the book's publication would be impossible to enforce after Bolton's publisher revealed that hundreds of thousands of copies had already been shipped to book retailers. "The horse, as we used to say in Texas, seems to be out of the barn," Lamberth said ahead of a Friday hearing, Politico reported.


Still, Lamberth ruled that Bolton has potentially exposed himself to losing the book's profits, and even criminal liability, for not following the government's standard review process for books written by former government officials.


Lambert ruled:


Bolton disputes that his book contains any such classified information and emphasizes his months-long compliance with the prepublication review process. He bristles at the mixed messages sent by prepublication review personnel and questions the motives of intelligence officers. Bolton could have sued the government and sought relief in court. Instead, he opted out of the review process before its conclusion. Unilateral fast-tracking carried the benefit of publicity and sales, and the cost of substantial risk exposure.


This was Bolton's bet: If he is right and the book does not contain classified information, he keeps the upside mentioned above; but if he is wrong, he stands to lose his profits from the book deal, exposes himself to criminal liability, and imperils national security. Bolton was wrong.


Bolton, however, asserts his book does not contain classified information.


Bolton's book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," will be released on Tuesday, June 23.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.9683147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Romania: Wanted Iranian judge under police protection found dead


Gholamreza Mansouri, an Iranian judge wanted for numerous crimes, died yesterday after falling from his hotel room window. He had been under police protection at a Bucharest hotel while waiting to learn if he would be extradited back to his home country.


Mansouri, 52, was arrested by the Romanian authorities earlier this month at the request of the Iranian government, which was demanding his extradition on charges that he took bribes worth approximately half a million US dollars while serving as a judge in Iran’s Culture and Media Court.


Mansouri was also wanted by international human rights organisations and Iranian exile groups for his role in sentencing 20 anti-government journalists to prison terms in 2013.


Mansouri fled Iran earlier this month and first arrived in Germany. Upon his arrival, however, the Non-Governmental Organisation Reporters Without Borders demanded his arrest for crimes against human rights. He then went to Romania, where he was arrested at the request of Interpol at Tehran’s request pending his extradition.


A Romanian judge, however, rejected the Prosecutor’s request to hold Mansouri in police custody and ordered an evaluation of whether Mansouri’s own human rights would be respected upon his return to his home country. He had been staying at a Bucharest hotel under police protection, and was scheduled to be informed as to whether he would be extradited or not at a court hearing on July 10.


Human rights groups had wanted Mansouri to be tried in Romania instead.


Mansouri was found dead yesterday, however, after having fallen from his hotel room window. It is not certain whether he jumped or was thrown out, according to a report by Balkan Insight.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.9683170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293 >>3461

Rioters tear down more statues including Ulysses S. Grant, who defeated the Confederacy and 'destroyed the KKK'


Other historic statues were ripped down on Friday night including one of Francis Scott Key and a Spanish priest who was canonized as a saint


Paul Sacca


A day after Portland rioters tore down a nearly 100-year-old statue of George Washington, vandals toppled more historic statues. On Friday night, saboteurs ripped down monuments that were dedicated to Ulysses S. Grant, Francis Scott Key, and an 18th-century Spanish priest who was canonized as a saint.


Rioters leveled a statue dedicated to Ulysses S. Grant, the Republican who was the 18th president of the United States and the four-star Union general who defeated the Confederacy in the American Civil War.


Grant allegedly owned one slave for "about a year on the eve of the Civil War," according to Sean Kane, interpretations and programs specialist at The American Civil War Museum. "In 1859, Grant either bought or was given the 35-year-old Jones, who was in Grant's service until he freed him before the start of the War."


Grant wrote in his personal memoir, "As time passes, people, even of the South, will begin to wonder how it was possible that their ancestors ever fought for or justified institutions which acknowledged the right of property in man."


Many came in defense of Grant, including U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who noted that Grant "destroyed the KKK."

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9683183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293 >>3461

ECJ rules against Hungary’s law mandating financial transparency for NGOs


The restrictions imposed by Hungary on the financing of civil organisations by persons established outside that Member State do not comply with EU law, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled on Thursday.


The European Commission referred Hungary to the CJEU over the legislation, which requires NGOs to make full disclosure of foreign funding over 7.2 million forints (EUR 208,700), late in 2017.


According to the court, by imposing obligations of registration, declaration and publication on certain categories of civil society organisations directly or indirectly receiving support from abroad exceeding a certain threshold and providing for the possibility of applying penalties to organisations that do not comply with those obligations, Hungary had introduced discriminatory and unjustified restrictions with regard to both the organisations at issue and the persons granting them such support.


Hungary’s government respects the ruling but is committed to “ensuring the transparency of NGOs” Gergely Gulyas, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said at his weekly press briefing on Thursday. He said the government still needs to examine the ruling in detail but said that it was heartening that the court agreed with the government’s goal of increasing transparency at NGOs so only the tools with which to achieve this need to be changed.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9683202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3275 >>3293 >>3461

Watch Live: Trump Supporters Lining the Streets of Tulsa


Supporters of President Donald Trump are gathering in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday in preparation for the president’s highly anticipated campaign rally.


Many of the president’s supporters lined up two days ahead of the event, with some even lining up as early as Monday for the rally scheduled to be held on Saturday evening at 8:00 p.m. EST.


The event, which is Trump’s first campaign rally since the Chinese coronavirus pandemic hit the United States, is expected to draw 100,000 people — one fourth of Tulsa’s population.


Meanwhile, Trump’s purported opponent former vice president Joe Biden held a very different type of events on Wednesday in Pennsylvania.


According to a report by the New York Times, “hardly any voters” had attended the former vice president’s event.


“About 20 handpicked local officials, small-business owners and reporters sat in folding chairs, each placed within a large white circle taped on the floor of a recreation center to maintain — or at least encourage — social distancing,” the New York Times reported.


“A few attendees whispered to each other as photographers quietly chatted. You could hear the clack of typing echoing across the room. The silence was striking,” the report continued, describing the event.


“Then, Mr. Biden appeared,” added the New York Times. “He arrived with such little fanfare that I didn’t even notice him enter the room.”

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.9683218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The North Face Boycotts Facebook Ads over ‘Spread of Misinformation’


Outdoor clothing brand The North Face has become the first major brand to boycott Facebook ads following mounting pressure from civil-rights organizations to leave the platform due to Facebook’s “spread of misinformation,” claiming it will not return to advertising until Mark Zuckerberg implements stricter policies relating to what the company considers racist, violent, and hateful content.


Business Insider reports that outdoor clothing brand The North Face stated this week that it would stop buying Facebook ads in the United States in solidarity with civil-rights groups like the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League, along with Sleeping Giants, a left-wing group which has previously led an advertising boycott campaign against Breitbart News.


The company announced the decision by quoting a tweet by the NAACP about the spread of misinformation on Facebook’s platform and adding “We’re in. We’re Out @Facebook.”


Steve Lesnard, The North Face’s global VP of marketing, said in a statement: “We know that for too long harmful, racist rhetoric and misinformation has made the world unequal and unsafe, and we stand with the NAACP and the other organizations who are working to #StopHateforProfit.”


A company spokesperson told Business Insider that it would be halting all U.S. paid advertising with Facebook from June 19 until Facebook implements stricter policies relating to racist, violent, and hateful content.


The North Face is the first major brand to pull its advertising from Facebook, other smaller firms such as mediation app Talkspace and payment company Fons have also pledged to stop advertising on Facebook.


Facebook’s VP of Global Marketing Solutions, Carolyn Everson, commented on the movie stating that it was in conversation with marketers and civil-rights organizations about how they could work with the group to “be a force for good.” Everson stated: “We deeply respect any brand’s decision and remain focused on the important work of removing hate speech and providing critical voting information.”


Advertising via Facebook has become a particularly hot topic in recent months, IPG Mediabrands’ Elijah Harris told Business Insider in a recent interview that advertising on Facebook was now an issue of “brand safety, not political activism.” Another ad-agency source told Business Insider that their agency anticipated a number of other brands to also walk out on Facebook.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9683225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293 >>3461

BLM Leader in London Demands Meeting With Boris Johnson as Protests Held Across UK


Protests and rioting rocked the US in response to the death of African American George Floyd following his violent arrest in Minneapolis. London, Glasgow and other British cities are currently seeing similar demonstrations as protestors seek to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.


Black Lives Matter events are being held in the British capital, as well as in Edinburgh and in Glasgow, as people protest against racism and police brutality. The protests that hit American cities were often accompanied by looting, arson, and vandalism, as demonstrators toppled monuments and occasionally set them on fire. In some cases, they petitioned local authorities, which then ordered the dismantling of the statues.


The vandals damaged or destroyed monuments and numerous Confederate statues as well as statues dedicated to Christopher Columbus, Mahatma Gandhi and George Washington.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9683249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293 >>3461

Belgium: Migrant Mayor Demands Belgians Remove Statues of Former King


Belgium is due a reckoning with its colonial past, and things left unsaid must now be discussed, argues the Congolese-born 72-year-old who became the country’s first black mayor.


Pierre Kompany’s family has made a name for itself in Belgium. He is a former refugee turned pioneering politician, and his son Vincent Kompany is a star footballer in the national squad, the world’s top-ranked team.


But, in an interview with AFP before the June 30 anniversary of the then Belgian Congo’s independence, and against a backdrop of anti-racism protests, Kompany senior said it was time for some home truths.


While in the United States activists declaring “Black Lives Matter” have targeted the symbols of the slave-holding Confederacy, in Belgium the protests have focused around statues of Leopold II, “King Builder” of the Belgian nation.


Reigning between 1865 and 1909, Leopold held Belgium’s central African territory — now the Democratic Republic of Congo — as a personal fiefdom, profiting directly from rubber plantations run with sadistic and murderous brutality.


Historians and writers have documented the crimes of the era, in which up to 10 million Congolese were killed or fell victim to disease and torture, but Leopold’s statues still look down on parks and squares across modern Belgium.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9683264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

German Special Forces Solider Sacked for Alleged Islamist Sympathies


A member of Germany’s Special Forces Command (KSK) has been sacked after the soldier in question was alleged to have sympathies with radical Islamic extremism.


The German Military Counter-intelligence Service (MAD) labelled the solider as an Islamic extremist last year, placing him in the “red category” for those recognised as extremists. After being subjected to a military disciplinary procedure he was removed from his role in the armed forces earlier this year.


The details of the soldier’s sacking have only just emerged in German media. According to a report from newspaper Die Welt, the KSK has had problems with at least 14 soldiers with extremist sympathies in 2019 alone.


Eight of those singled out by MAD were far-right extremists, four were Islamic extremists and two were so-called “Reich Citizens” — a group who deny the legitimacy of the German constitution and the Federal Republic of Germany as a whole.


The number of extremists in the KSK was in 2019 was double that of the previous year, which saw four right-wing extremists and three Islamic extremists identified by counterintelligence officials.


The German special forces are not the only branch of the German state to have problems with infiltration of Islamic extremists in recent years.


In November of 2016, an officer of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Germany’s domestic security agency, was arrested after it was revealed that the 51-year-old not only had sympathies for Islamic extremism but had plotted a bomb attack against the agency.


The man was initially hired to monitor the radical Islamist scene in Germany but used his position to attempt to recruit radicals into the agency and carry out attacks. He was finally caught after trying to recruit a man who, unbeknownst to him, was a fellow BfV agent.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9683278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461

French Human Rights Commission: ‘Decolonise Minds’ to End Discrimination


The French National Consultative Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH) has released a report claiming French people need to “decolonise” their minds to end discrimination against black people.


The Commission handed the report to French prime minister Edouard Philippe earlier this week and included a list of recommendations to combat racism, xenophobia, and discrimination.


The report claims that France’s black community and Jewish community have the “best image” in the minds of the general public in France. But, paradoxically, it also said black people are “exposed daily to offensive prejudices and discrimination”.


“Beyond offences, it is at the same time a history, a culture, and a set of prejudices which are at the root of anti-black racism,” the CNCDH said, Le Point reports.


“Like the struggle for equality between women and men, the fight against racism towards the black minority requires an awareness of the phenomenon by society as a whole, a decolonisation of minds,” the commission added.


According to Le Point, the report was created before the current Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests that have erupted in France in the aftermath of the death of American citizen George Floyd.


While protesters in France have expressed solidarity with those in the United States, the French protests have centred around the case of Adama Traoré, a black man who died in French police custody in July 2016.


An initial protest in Paris saw at least 20,000 gather — in violation of France’s coronavirus lockdown measures — to protest against alleged police brutality. The protests later turned violent as rioters lit electric scooters and garbage bins on fire and attacked a police station in the diverse Paris suburb of Clichy.


Black Lives Matter and their allies, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom, have demanded statues of various figures be taken down as part of their movement.


Some statues in the United Kingdom have already been removed by the authorities, and there are plans to remove one of Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University. But Emmanuel Macron has rejected taking down any memorials in France.


“The republic will not erase any trace, or any name, from its history… it will not take down any statue,” the French president said.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9683309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Drug Lord Controlling Mexican Border State Prison Unmasked


MONTERREY, Nuevo Leon – A new chapter in the turf war for control of the Monterrey metropolitan area is brewing as one of Mexico’s most violent cartels sets sights on a powerful drug lord sitting in a local prison.


Breitbart Texas consulted with U.S. law enforcement sources in Mexico who revealed exclusive intelligence about Joel Rodolfo “El Rodo” Ramones Barba and associates. The sources say El Rodo receives protection from corrupt officials in Nuevo Leon, allowing him to operate his organization from within the Apodaca prison.

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9683328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357

Gavin Newson purchased $2 billion in masks


Reason for mandate he want to flip these

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9683358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

South Dakota’s New Meth Campaign

Anonymous ID: 30e9c7 June 20, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9683381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461

San Francisco tenants break leases in startling numbers, giving renters upper hand


One in 13 San Francisco renters have broken their lease since the coronavirus stay-home orders went into place nearly 100 days ago, an astonishing out-migration of tenants in the city that could lead to thousands of empty rental units and give renters the upper hand in negotiations.


When measures to fight the coronavirus severely curtailed economic activity nearly 100 days ago, San Francisco landlords were fearful that widespread layoffs and income lost because of the pandemic would result in a wave of residential tenants unable to pay rent.


While that has not happened — only 3% of San Francisco tenants paid no rent in June, and another 2.5% paid partial rent — landlords are instead dealing with an unexpected problem: Rather than not paying, tenants are walking away from leases.


A new survey from the San Francisco Apartment Association found that 7.5% of renters have broken their lease over the last three months. The survey included information from 292 landlords who own 10,329 apartments, about 6% of the city’s total rental units. While the number of broken leases is not a statistic that the multifamily housing industry association has previously tracked, it’s clearly way above normal.


“We don’t have a baseline to compare it to, but I think it’s shockingly high,” said Charley Goss, the association’s policy director. “A pretty substantial group of people are leaving.”


The biggest group of tenants breaking leases in San Francisco are Gen Z workers, those 18 to 25 years old, according to landlord and tenants groups. A new report from Zillow, a marketplace for rentals and home sales, found that some 2.7 million U.S. adults moved in with their parents in March and April, a trend that nationally could lead to $726 million in lost rent this year alone. About 2.2 million of these are Gen Z.