change those locks!
clean those offices!
they are so horrible yo do not need to counterfeit their logos. why put words in their mouths?
makes bad blood.
yes, I agree some do.
my objection is that for those democrats who are still spell bound, and don't understand that it's a not a joke, that their party is out of control, making counterfeit material puts bad blood, that shouldn't be there, between them and the police.
that is my point.
so I'd show the sign, in the meme.
and then I'd note the part about them not supporing the police. But I, (my code of memes) would not make a forged sign for the oppoistion that put bad blood between them and our hero police.
get it?
that's it. I agree that some Dems are cop haters.
not all.
even chatty people like me tend to shut up when Q posts.
I expected
Q to post at the end of the last bread.
please lurk more. Anon are good. There is no scam.
I was thinking more like . . .well what does it matter.
ya, sometimes I see those guys are allies through all time.
and then I say, fantasy doesn't help in the waking world. I can write a story and say it's a fiction and be as meaningful as needed without buying int the fantasy of our thousands of year struggles against . . . the forces of havoc that keep us from the friends who we could have if the world weren't broken and pitting us all against each other.
Reincarnation is a story.
in the real world we deal in facts.
the worlds of fictions can have the idea of reincarnations, but a tasteful writer will put it into the realm of dreams.
the concentric rings of the harbor of Atlantis were at the level of the ocean. Those mountains are far far inland.
a more likely place for Atlantis is the mid Medeteraian, except it was placed outside of there, past the pillars.
And then there is a recent documentary about the big place near Cadiz where some think that it's really something.
I don't know. It could be all fake, I kind of doubt it is.
but Atlantis probably isn't 400 miles inland, anon. doesn't it make more sense that it's right beside the sea?
which can only be discussed as if they are fiction or dreams.
but you know that.
how do you know anything of what I remember?
memories like that only come as the person is ready, and then often it's not remembered unless you go into that mode of mind.
I know these things, anon. Expertise comes to those who live and do, but also to those who shut off the spurge of thought.
it's hard to do.
but lately many things come clearer, as dreams, for a story, that gives useful allegories.
other than that to do a reveal of that deep sense of 'it was always you, I always knew it was you, the deepest kind of real connection'.
if you act like that is real with in this waking realm it usually is considered charlitanism.
it often devolves into sex cult. You get a bloated pigperson like L-Ron hoarding gold for his next life.
Tell me about Tusculum if you know shit.
that adds to the story that you seem to ignore it.
The fortune of the first born!
it declares: we cherish our first born we do not give them to the horror.
not with the parenthesis, anon.
I don't have parentheiss around my 'you' in that narrative.
oh no, the rampage of the moity of power must come to an end, they shall no longer be given carte blanc for their own going efforts at
is Justice, or Blackmail from that office?
they are blocking the carrying out of timely Justice. They must be removed to unblock the information. they are trying to 'run out the clock' of these cases.
if you have somethign to share with me, don't make it cryptic bullshit.
you are the one who is LARPing, it seems to me.
I write stories. and I use all my ideas.
I do not delude to know 'deep secrets'