Anonymous ID: 310d30 June 20, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.9684688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notes on ALL FOR FLOYD: IPOT on Floyd & the Weathermen

no way could i get all the details - please watch

Research for yourself in case i got something wrong.


How Floyd Died (official story)

GF arrives at Cup food store

purported to use a counterfeit $20

Store employees confront him outside the story, appears drunk

They calls the cops via 911, they arrive & take him out of his car

They arrest him, want to put him in the car, doesn't want to enter, says he's claustrphobic

Copy struggle with him, Chavin puts knee on his neck,

GF loses consciousness, is bundled into an ambulance, declared dead later

Various public officers make stmts, demonstrations start at Cup Foods,

Keith Ellison appt'd as prosecutor.

Demonstrations ensue. ~9mins


Unanswered Questions

Why was 911 called for a non-violent crime?

Was the killing racially motivated?

Why done publicly?

Why didn't other officers intervene?

Is something greater unfolding?


Things not shown ~10

well worth watching

IPOT shows a number of vids where various pieces of info

(either audio or visual) have been redacted.

An officer 'taps' Floyd who falls to the ground [but rather gracefully] ~13


GF's Life (official)~14:20

born 1973, N Carolina

Gifted athlete - 6'7''

got basketball scholarship but came back home a year later

dropped out, end of soph yr

aspiring hiphop artist but had multiple arrests started in late 90s.

2007 - armed robbery involving pregnant woman, arrested in 2009

4 years in Tx jail, paroled 2013

2014 - move to MN and became a bouncer

Toxicology report after death ~17mins


Unanswered Questions

Described as a "gentle giant" but is this true??

At Texas A&M, not on any academic roster

V few personal details available….


After his death, his family wanted political action ~19

Grieving time seemed short

Fam repr by lawyer Ben Crump - sent ltr to UN on June 3 about demilitarizing/disarming the police

(despite the fact that GF's death involved no weapons)

Call for disarm the cops in the name of GF taken up by many parties including celebs

Funeral paid for by Floyd Mayweather; casket seems pretty small for such a large man

ACLU, BLM took up the cause.

Why did fam rush to political action?


El Nuevo Rodeo, Maya Santa Maria, Sabri, Hamas

George Floyd & Chauvin worked together before,

at the same restaurant; motive may have been personal ~23

Jesse Waters said they worked closely together;

did GF know something he wasn't supposed to know? looks like a hit

El Nuevo Rodeo - club, owner Maya Santa Maria -

Chavin would get a little rough at times (vid of her) ~25

Can't recall a specific incident, though….but her stmts support official narrative

Another former security guard (Pinney) said they knew each other well;

"they bumped heads" over Derek's aggressiveness at club ~27

Santa Maria had recently sold the venue, despite Corona (not a good time)


Santa Maria's mom and Obama's mom went to same school (same dept i think)

Owned La Raza; story of partnership with Minn Twins….more…..

Club burned down during the riots.

business sold to Omar Investments in 2016. Sabri family.

cousin Basim Omar Sabri is HAMAS donor; known as Muslim King Maker

connection to Somali community/businesses, 2nd largest donor to Rep Ilhan Omar

[Looks like serious crime involved]

[see Basim Omar Sabri in eg, >>9562664]

[there's more on connections to pro-Hamas groups]

Was the rioting connected with Hamas too?


Back to the Present: HAMAS/CAIR connection~36

Did Floyd discover something? Was the killing meant to be broadcast?

Whose interests were being protected?

Klobuchar tie.

More on Chauvin & previous conduct complaints.

Keith Ellison took over case from Freeman; why?

2008 - Went to Saudi Arabia, met w/gp assoc with Muslim Brotherhood. ~40

Ellison supports antifa; his son does too; and Ilhan Omar's daughter, too.

Bob Kroll - has criticized city council over anti-police agenda; stds lowered

Ellison charge of beating girlfriend; no charges. ~42

Founder of CAIR leader of Hamas in US stmt: "BLM is our campaign" ~43

Hamas wants a revolution in America.

Mayor Frye - supporter of BLM.

Possible Human Trafficking connection?


More Somali Islamic Connections~47

Cup Foods - 2019 shooting.

Very confusing to officers at the scene.

Somali police officer Mohamed Noor shot and killed a woman approaching their car. Why?

Noor was convicted of 3rd degree murder.

There are many Somalis in MN; Biden cosponsored a bill enabling many more Somalis to come to US.

[More on Somali Muslim refugees in MN; many mosques in MN has Hamas connections] ~54

[More on Islamic influence in MN - CAIR, etc.] Leftist former mayor Betsy Hodges a sympathizer.

More on La Raza, El Nuevo Rodeo & connections to top dems…..much more ~57

Omar family - may have come to US to avoid being indicted at home…more on Ilhan Omar ~58


Darker Connections/Secret Societies

Possible human trafficking connections - P Parenthood, STEM Express, sale of body parts ~59

Turning Point connection w/Keith Ellison

Masonic Temple, child care, funeral home connections [assoc w/trafficking] ~1:01

More of possible masonic connections to Santa Maria, Crump, police, Moon Palace Books. ~1:05


Floyd's "Twin" Stephen Jackson, NBA, China~1:06

basketball player & media figure.

But many of Jackson's associates didn't know about his assoc w/GF.

Very outspoken but NBA community has recently backed him up.

NBA has a close connection with China. Now many players are activists.

Karl Anthony Towns connection.

Connection w/Target Corp - assoc w MN.

Masonic connection. ~1:16


Other people/orgs (modern Weather Underground)

Maurice Lester Hall - was w/Floyd when arrested. Why did he flee?

Dr. Michael Baden

Kellie Chauvin (Chavin's wife)

Darnella Frazier - took vid

Monica Lozano - radical assoc w Target

Buildings burned down to conceal evidence?

Gen'l Powell. ~1:25

Target - pushes pro-tranny agenda.

Refuse Fascism - Bill Ayres.

Move on.


Now the Weather Underground is no longer underground.


= = = = = = =


tons of clues here, anons digg