Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.9684315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Corruption: The State Department, Hillary Clinton & "Pay-for-Play"


Via Herland Report: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell about Obama and Clinton collusion, American corruption and efforts to stop it: “It was a criminal enterprise being run out of the Clinton White House, using their official positions for their own benefit and personal wealth,” states Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch, Chris J. Farrell.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.9684323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Muhammad Ali’s Son Believes His Dad Would Have Seen BLM Protesters as ‘Devils’


The legendary heavyweight boxer and anti-war/civil rights activist was an outspoken proponent of racial equality, but also famously distanced himself from all forms of bigotry, whether by white or by black Americans, by splitting with the Nation of Islam.


Muhammad Ali Jr says his father would have hated Black Lives Matter and the violent protests which have gripped America in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer.


“My father would have said, ‘they ain’t nothing but devils’. My father said ‘all lives matter’. I don’t think he’d agree,” Ali Jr, the boxing legend’s only biological son, told the New York Post.


Calling BLM “racist” and divisive, Ali Jr insisted that “everybody’s life matters,” and that “God loves everyone – he never singled anyone out.”


“It’s a racial statement,” he said of the movement’s name. “It’s pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen; I hate that,” he said.


Ali Jr also blasted violent protesters, saying that while peaceful protests were fine, “don’t bust up s***, don’t trash the place.” He suggested that while the white Minneapolis police officer’s killing of George Floyd was wrong, many people don’t “realize there was more footage than what they showed. The guy resisted arrest, the officer was doing his job, but he used the wrong tactic.”


The boxing legend’s son defended cops in general, emphasizing that “not all the police are bad,” and that there’s “just a few” who are. “There’s a handful of police that are crooked, they should be locked up.” He added that he personally had “never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.”

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.9684327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4377

Trust In America Wanes Amid "Defeated Party"-Fomented Social Unrest, Says Putin


The death of George Floyd ignited nationwide unrest for weeks as social justice warriors combated police, while others looted stores, torched police cars and building structures. The unrest was fueled by extreme wealth inequality and economic collapse - combine the two, and the country is experiencing one of the worst socio-economic implosions in its existence.


At the moment, there are no signs this unraveling of society, and or even the pandemic is decreasing - the image of the country has been tarnished, and now, there's a credibility issue emerging with America on the world stage.


Russian news agency TASS quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Saturday as saying President Vladimir Putin is very concerned about how much he can trust agreements with President Trump amid ongoing social unrest, reported Reuters.


Peskov also said there is an increasing unpredictability in actions by Washington, and this is bothering world leaders.


Putin was interviewed last Sunday (June 14), where he said social unrest across the US reveals a deep internal crisis in the country.


"What has happened [in the US] is the manifestation of some deep domestic crises," he said, noting that this crisis was festering well before President Trump took office.


"When he won, and his victory was absolutely obvious and democratic, the defeated party invented all sorts of bogus stories just to call into question his legitimacy," he added.


Putin pointed out the biggest problem of the US political system is the parties and their special interest of people behind the scenes.



"It seems to me that the problem is that group party interests, in this case, are placed above the interests of the entire society and the interests of people," Putin said.


While commenting on domestic issues, Putin said his government has been combating the virus with minimal losses. He said that was not the case in the US, adding the failures of the US' "management system" led to inadequate response and widespread destruction.


To sum up, the American hegemon is on shaky ground as it has been paralyzed by the pandemic and ongoing social unrest in major metros - now world leaders are starting to recognize the empire is in decline.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9684349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Columbus, MS Board of Supervisors Vote to Keep Confederate Statue – Board President Says African Americans Have Remained Dependent Since Slavery


This didn’t go over very well.

The Columbus, Mississippi County Board of Directors voted 3-2 to keep up their Confederate statue. County Board President Harry Sanders said, “History is worth preserving.”


Sanders followed up his comments saying he thinks the black community is the only ethnic group that has “problems” with history and have “remained dependent” since then.


Now there is a movement for Board President Sanders to resign.


The Dispatch reported:



Local officials and community leaders are condemning Lowndes County Board of Supervisors President Harry Sanders for comments he made about African Americans being “dependent” since slavery ended and not assimilating to American society like other ethnicities.


Some county and city officials are calling for his resignation.


Sanders gave his comments to The Dispatch after a 3-2 board vote along racial lines Monday against the relocation of a Confederate monument that sits at the courthouse lawn.


The longtime board president voted with the majority, saying he thinks history is worth preserving and the “atrocity” needs to be remembered. However, he further claimed that he thinks the black community is the only ethnic minority group that has “problems” with the history of slavery and have remained “dependent” since then.


“They didn’t have to go out and earn any money, they didn’t have to do anything,” Sanders told The Dispatch Monday. “Whoever owned them took care of them, fed them, clothed them, worked them. They became dependent, and that dependency is still there.”

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9684488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pro-Abortion Biden Says Climate Change Damaging Unborn Children


The media should launch a thorough investigation into determining whether Joe Biden has any brains at all. “Yes, but he talks a lot,” Biden defenders might say. “You can’t talk if you don’t have brains.”


Well, like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz reminds us, “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking.”


Exhibit A in the case for no brains for Biden comes via a tweet that Biden posted responding to New York Times climate change reporter Hiroko Tabuchi.


Biden’s reply was unintentionally hilarious.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.9684527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4734

Annexation, corruption and Israel's looming money troubles


Opinion: Why would international lenders agree to extend credit to a government already headed by a man on trial for bribery and fraud when new security threats are thrown into the mix by one-sided moves in West Bank?


The debate in Israel over the financial cost of a one-sided move to annex parts of the West Bank is missing an important factor that might exact a huge price.


Opponents, however, fear annexation would require the inclusion of more than two million Palestinians, who would need Israel to provide them with stipends such as child benefits, maternity pay, unemployment allowances and more. The price tag for this would certainly run into the billions of shekels each year.


But Israel's biggest problem would arise should it attempt to take a loan to pay for the annexation.


Israel has a complicated relationship in the international arena. Many of its European allies are displeased with Israel's policies towards the Palestinians.


Furthermore, the United Nations views these policies with disdain and Israel can no longer expect unconditional support from the younger generation of American voters. In addition, one can easily see modern examples of anti-Semitism freely expressed on social media.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.9684645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Americans Should Never Again Comply With Pandemic Lockdown Orders


By treating Black Lives Matters protests differently than other large gatherings, public officials and health experts have exposed themselves as hypocrites.


We’re told a second wave of coronavirus infections is coming. As businesses open back up and states relax lockdown orders, the number of new cases is ticking up in a handful of states. We’ve heard warnings in recent days from the Centers for Disease Control and various public health experts and elected officials that a new series of lockdowns might be necessary.


What these experts and officials don’t seem to realize is that Americans will never comply with their lockdown orders again. They have burned their credibility to the ground, and they no longer have the moral authority to tell us what to do.


Simply put, the people in charge have shown themselves to be rank hypocrites who care more about politics than science. For months, we were told that large gatherings were deadly because of the coronavirus, but when protests broke out in late May, large gatherings were suddenly okay.


The exact day the experts lost their credibility was June 4, when more than 1,000 public health workers signed a letter claiming the protests were “vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of black people in the United States.” The woke corporate press scrambled to assure us this wasn’t hypocritical at all, and that “health is about more than simply remaining free of coronavirus infection,” as a pair of epidemiologists put it in The Atlantic.


That’s a curious argument to make after forced business closures and lockdown orders destroyed tens of millions of American jobs, ruined countless businesses and livelihoods, and caused a sharp uptick in suicides, drug overdoses, and domestic abuse. Never mind the compelling research showing that lockdowns are overall much worse for public health than the coronavirus.


But if public health experts cared about more than just steering clear of the coronavirus at any cost, you wouldn’t have known it based on their pandemic policies—that is, until the George Floyd protests and Black Lives Matter (BLM) rallies came along. Here at last was something more important than stopping the virus.


And it wasn’t just public health experts. Elected officials were all too willing to use their power to promote ideology at the expense of public health—and then turn around and punish disfavored groups in the name of public health.


Witness the appalling double standard of men like New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio. On Monday, city workers welded shut the gates of a Brooklyn playground frequented by members of the Hasidic Jewish community in Williamsburg. They claimed it was necessary to stop the spread of the coronavirus. But this happened one day after the city allowed a massive “Black Trans Lives Matter” rally in Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza that attracted thousands of protesters packed together in close quarters.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.9684692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senate’s Top Democrat Demands DOJ Probe Into Attempt to Oust Attorney Investigating Trump Lawyer


On Friday, Geoffrey Berman, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), said he does not intend to resign, contradicting an announcement by Attorney General William Barr earlier in the day that Berman would be stepping down.


Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader, wants the Justice Department Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility, a DOJ entity tasked with investigating attorneys under its employ for professional misconduct, to begin an immediate probe into the apparent attempted firing of SDNY attorney Geoffrey Berman.


“I am calling for the Department of Justice Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility to immediately launch an investigation into the reasons behind the decision by the president and the attorney general to attempt to dismiss Mr. Berman,” Schumer said Saturday, his remarks cited by The Hill.


Calling the attempt to dismiss Berman a “brazen Trump-Barr scheme to interfere in investigations by the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York,” Schumer compared the move to former President Richard Nixon’s effort to axe Archibald Cox, a special prosecutor appointed to investigate him, in 1973.


Berman, appointed US attorney for the SDNY in January 2018, has overseen a number of cases, most notably the Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking ring investigation, and the US’s outlandish claims against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his associates over the alleged operation of a drug smuggling ring. In addition, Berman is also known to be investigating Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, in connection with potential illegal business dealings. Giuliani has been working on a probe of his own into the possible illegal actions of the Biden family in Ukraine, including the alleged sale of access to the Obama White House in exchange for a cushy, no show job for Hunter Biden at a Ukrainian energy company.


On Friday, Attorney General William Barr announced Berman’s resignation, and said that President Trump would be nominating Jay Clayton, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, to the post. According to media reports, Berman had been offered the post of assistant attorney general, but refused it.


Later in the day, however, Berman stressed that he had “no intention of resigning,” and that he would “step down” only “when a presidentialy appointed nominee is confirmed by the Senate.”


Senior Republican South Carolina Senator and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham signaled Saturday that he would not move forward with nominating Clayton as Berman’s possible successor until he received approval to do so from Schumer or Kirsten Gillibrand, the other senator from the state of New York.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.9684765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Al-Sisi Says Egypt Has Right To Intervene In Libya, Vows To Protect Sirte & Al-Jufra


Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on June 20 that any direct intervention by his country in Libya now has international legitimacy, ordering his army to be prepared for missions inside or outside the border.


Al-Sisi made his remarks while inspecting Egyptian troops in the western region. The president toured an air base near Egypt’s border with Libya, where thousands of troops as well as state of the art weapon systems are deployed.


“Be prepared to carry out any mission, here inside our borders – or if necessary, outside our borders,” the President said in a speech to his troops, according to Reuters.


The Egyptian President said his country is working to protect its western border, support security and stability in Libya and stop bloodshed there.


Al-Sisi went on to call for a ceasefire between the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Government of National Accord (GNA), warning the latter from attacking the port city of Sirte and the al-Jufra Air Base.


“Let’s stop at the line both sides reached in the western and eastern regions and start a ceasefire … The line of Sirte, al-Jufra is a red line for Egypt and its national security,” al-Sisi said.


The President also revealed that Egypt is ready to train, equip and arm Libyan tribesman in order to defend and secure their own land.


Hinting at the growing Turkish intervention in Libya, al-Sisi called on all foreign forces to immediately withdraw, saying that “illegitimate interventions” are spreading terrorism in the region.


In the last few months, Turkey stepped up its support for the GNA enabling it to secure major gains in northwest Libya. In response, the Egyptian military amassed a large force on the Libyan border. Since then, battles have winded down in Libya, especially around Sirte.


Egypt appears to be determined to stop Turkish expansion in Libya. Nevertheless, Cairo will not likely resort to a highly-risky military solution before exhausting all diplomatic options.

Anonymous ID: a2b425 June 20, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.9684921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5064

6 Trump Campaign Staffers Test Positive For COVID-19 Hours Before




6 Trump campaign staffers test positive hours before Tulsa rally

US reports 30k new cases

India now 4th largest outbreak with ~400k cases

India reports another record jump

Florida reports 3rd straight record jump

Russia reports fewer than 8k new cases

South Korea reports 67 new cases, largest jump since May

China reports just 27 new cases


    • *


Update (1435ET): Six staffers working to organize President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa have tested positive for the coronavirus just hours before what will be the first major indoor event in the entire country since the coronavirus outbreak began. As Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany said earlier this week, the White House is "leading" on this issue.


Trump’s campaign said Saturday that quarantine procedures were implemented for the staffers and that neither the aides nor anyone they came into contact with will take part in the event.


"Per safety protocols, campaign staff are tested for COVID-19 before events. Six members of the advance team tested positive out of hundreds of tests performed, and quarantine procedures were immediately implemented," Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for Trump’s campaign said in a statement.


"No COVID-positive staffers or anyone in immediate contact will be at today’s rally or near attendees and elected officials,” the statement read. “As previously announced, all rally attendees are given temperature checks before going through security, at which point they are given wristbands, face masks and hand sanitizer.”


Despite evidence that the days of protests around the country didn't cause meaningful spikes in new cases, critics have scrambled to try and shut down the rally for fear that it could be home to a "super spreader" event. Masks will be distributed to the audience, and hand sanitizer will be doled out as well.


The event will begin in a few hours, (8pmET, 7pmCT) now that a judge has blocked an order to stop the rally. Temperature checks and precautions for the heat will also reportedly be provided at the rally, which is set to attract some 19k people.