Anonymous ID: a9d198 June 20, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.9684588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4754



Peace be with you, the steadfast warriors of truth.


In the recent open letter, Vigano makes a mention of "Solve et Coagula" or "transitioning to new ownership", derived from masonic alchemy. It is a Latin term that is tattooed on the right and left arms of the baphomet, the mystical representation of the devil. By this, Vigano directly refers to the devil, and his army, the DeepState and DeepChurch.


There are two kinds of soul incarnates in flesh, those are of God - "children of light" (majority), and those are of devil - "children of darkness" (minority). Children of darkness are the reprobates, to whom the repentance is not given, nor the salvation, for they are not part of Creation. The destruction of the reprobates is the continuous action from antideluvian times. A reprobate soul cannot love the Living God, they cannot be taught, nor can they be brainwashed into loving God. Their management and control is fully in the hands of the darkness. Q's reference of 6-8% of those lost beyond any help is directly related to the type of their soul.


The greatest flattery that a reprobate can deliver to the devil is the imitation of the baphomet, that is the rejection of divine masculinity in favor of transsexual alteration (male penis with female breasts). To disguise this the LGBT movement was initiated, so that non-reprobate homosexuals pick up the fight for the various condemned ones. Now you understand why many from LGBT community side with Trump, and even turn to seeking God.


Just like God draws the crowds of His children to His elect Donald Trump, in the same manner the devil draws his children to his chosen one. And this is were anons shine, because you know who that is. Why the incapable Biden is being pushed so hard, while the display of his spiritual possessions can be seen almost daily? He is the door for the "chosen one", the true reprobate from a close circle, namely Michael LaVaughn Robinson. (The name Michael, assigned at birth, means "who is like god".)


It is for this reason M. has rallied in 2016 specifically after young impressionable voters, today's Antifa and BLM. It is for this reason memoir "Becoming" was released (Masonic transformation), for this reason the Netflix series was established, for this reason the recent appearances along the side of Barack discussing literacy (projection of sudo-intellectualism). Klobuchar withdrew from consideration to be Biden's VP Pick in favor of woman of color, like Bernie ordered to stand down. The "chosen" reprobate is the most adorned and welcomed by other reprobates into a presidential run. If VJ was a C-A's handler for the homosexual Renegate, M was the devil's handler, sexual control is critical here. Notre-Dame de Paris was set ablaze in ritualistic consecration for the "chosen one", to invalidate the Crown of Thorns prepared by the devil himself on the day of the crucifixion of our Lord. The recent celebration of transsexuals in Brooklyn was a form of festivity in adoration of the baphomet. The scenario of installing the "wife" of a former POTUS into oval office is being exercised again, except a senior witch reprobate have been upgraded to a trans-gendered one, "Solve et Coagula".


This scourge of Canaanites proliferated into humanity in many forms, it is a destructive evil. For this reason Q brings up time and time again Ephesians 6, for it is truly your strength and your protection. Fear not, the Lord has won already. It is all about us, rising in unity, as one family, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As Q brilliantly stated, where we go one (in the spirit of God), we go all. It is a great honor to be witnessing the work of many anons, the steadfast warriors of Truth. The Lord has never abandoned you, and the proof of this will come later. May God continue blessing your wonderful minds, you are loved beyond comprehension.


  • Friend of many.


PS: R13:3 - "One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast." - The mortal wound is about to be delivered. Biblical. For God and Country!