It's almost comical if it wasn't so serious.
No matter how hard the cabal/MSM/deep state try to keep Russia as the never ending evil enemy, the efforts to pick the next country for the never ending nuke "drama," Trump just keeps knocking those DRAMAnoes down.
Chemical attack by Assad on his own people?
How many times will they use this dirty little lie?
When Trump "fixes" Iran, next up is who?
Israel best for last?
BTW Q, as each day passes, if you guys are cutting strings at all times, I see how the Clintons are trying to position themselves as world-do-gooders with their Clinton Initiative, which will allow them to take in monies to mange all the trouble spots in the world.
Interesting tactic by the Clintons and hopefully, you will stop them dead in their tracks somehow.
May God continue to wrap his arms around you all in His full protection, may the Holy Spirit envelope you in total guidance and Mother Mother comfort you in times of trouble, stress, support and love.