Anonymous ID: 729529 April 9, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.968926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9263


Well, we're dealing with a covert, influential, international, and rogue syndicate that is exploiting natural governments to foment chaos. There may be elements of it working through US, Russian, Iranian, and Israeli governments. Some of those involved may be of "Jewish descent," like George Soros, though such individuals are not religious, often atheist, and have no regard for their own people. They do not represent the religious and God fearing people of Israel, nor deserve to be counted among us or even considered to be a "Jew" or "Israelite" because of their wickedness.


The clear reality is, Assad has an alliance with Russia and Iran, and Iran makes no secret of its intent to destroy Israel. So, Assad (and by association Russia) is letting Iran fortify and prepare for future invasion within its territory, and that very much concerns Israel. Though I now see this as an inevitable trajectory: that Iran, and possibly including an axis of Islamic nations, may seize an opportunity (or throw all caution to the wind) to come down upon Israel. Ironically, it may be the consequence of Assad's downfall. According to prophecy, when Damascus falls, the day is upon us, so eagerness to remove Assad may have unanticipated consequences. Also according to prophecy, the day Israel is invaded is the day Israel has its next "Red Sea moment" of YHVH's Salvation, though x10 as great in scale. Zechariah chapter 12-14 reveals this situation, and according to 13:8, it seems like 2/3 of Israel may perish. This would seem to be YHVH's way of judging the apostate Israelites of Israel, and all the wicked in their midst, before then finishing off all those that came against her. At that point the world will know Who YHVH is. Then we all go home! "Therefore, behold days are coming, says the Lord, when they shall no longer say, "As the Lord lives, Who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt, but, "As the Lord lives, Who brought up and Who brought the seed of the house of Israel from the northland and from all the lands where I have driven them, and they shall dwell on their land." (Jeremiah 23:7-8)


PS: There are no nukes. It's a game that went too far, and now everyone plays.