the world is being run by a group of murderous pedophiles who control almost every government and multinational corporation, but we have the evidence to incarcerate them and fix the world.
>WTF does this mean
They need to confirm the situation before moving on to the next step. CONF = confirmation.
>everything started with the damn Dutchies
NL is dirty, but everything started before the Babylonians. Sick generational shit going on.
for everyone looking for a lawyer, here's your guy.
contracts can be shown to be invalid in court.
OMG. ^^^^ THIS!
Trump's uncle is Julian Assange or related?
Either this is a good slide or WTF?!
โฆbecause Oregon only has a national border on the Pacific Ocean. Professional asshattery right hereโฆ
Who is Julian Assange's father? Trump's brilliant (MIT professor) uncle?
Dig on who is Julian Assange's father. I think this anon is hinting that he's related to Trump's family - specifically the brilliant one who was a highly respected MIT professor.
That's what Wikipedia saysโฆbut what if he's not? What if he's in the family? (speculation, but heyโฆ)
gentlefaggots, this is a symptom of cabal desperation.
saw that didja? tee hee
note: archive offline.
SWAT teams to pick up guns will all call in sick that day.
DIG on John Shipton - Assange's father? Not a Hawking!
"John Shipton, father of Mr Assangeโฆ"
John Shipton - Assange's bio father: https://
JA's bio father, John Shipton. Who is he? Who is Assange?
yes, wikipedia is incorrect (surprise!)
possible. However, wikipedia says Assange is a Hawkins. Apparently not true. John Shipton is his father, according to multiple sourrces online.
Could be a distraction, tho - be careful.