Anonymous ID: 4ebfed June 20, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.9692029   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dropping a 322 snippet from an expansive dig on Boston City Council.


Anons may want to dig MAC [Massachusetts Advocates for Children].


Council President Kim Janey + Skull and Bones?


"[Massachusettes Advocates for Children] (MAC) provides education advocacy for vulnerable children 3 -22”


For new readers, 3 -22 [322], is a sign of Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death.


Kim Janey:

President of the Boston City Council

Affiliated with the Democratic Party

Starting in 2010, Janey was a Senior Project Director at [Massachusetts Advocates for Children] prior to her election to the City Council. She held a variety of positions there since she first started at the non-profit in 2001. Previously, she was a community organizer for Parents United for Child Care.


Massachusetts Advocates for Children re: Logo Symbolism

Adult shoulders form PYRAMID.

Child body shape akin to star, or X – which is a symbol for the sun god.

Main picture on homepage: Red, White, Blue, Gold (missing Green for perfect Clown imagery)


X is the symbol of the sun god, a simple rayed sun or star - Osiris - Rx is Horus Eye, pharmacolgical prescription

X is the view of a Pyramid from above


Among several alternative theories, however, is the belief that the Rx symbol evolved from the Eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol associated with healing powers.


Symbolism will be their downfall…



Osiris-Rex = Osiris [R] [ex]. Say it out loud. Osiris-Rx.

Re-read above links (if needed).

Pyramid, Eye, and Y head symbolism in logo.


And of course NIH/NLM had to have an OSIRIS.

Anonymous ID: 4ebfed June 20, 2020, 11:27 p.m. No.9692665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Killed himself?!


Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell (search YouTube for their duets) were BOTH exposing pedophilia rings and BOTH, "committed suicide."


I also have a bridge I can sell you.