Anonymous ID: 67876a June 20, 2020, 10 p.m. No.9691978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1991 >>1993 >>2001

>>9691937 LB LB grrr, do you ever press send and it says 750, kek

you wouldn't believe how i make my decisions, it's a Blessed curse, kek

But if you say i can see, then it's got me this far.

i don't think i can see, i jus report what i [C].

[ ] are difficult to use, kek


Anons were all over it (pic related), nicely done!

Anonymous ID: 67876a June 20, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.9692106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i keep my followers updated, they prolly think i'm nuts but they still follow.

i hear my wordz on tv sometimes, kek

that really helps but spoopy

been spoopy since all the way back Q said spooky not to much longer after i said spooky.

almost united the Anons in my rookie, kek

1day yelling at the Anons, 'make that font larger, i still can't read it!!!!) connection goes down

i come back online 30 min later, Anons arguing i'm a larp

me: what's a larp? kek

let the flaming begun that train me to be Anon

shills whine, but i understand

if they got a heart, they hear us PRAYing for a United America; that will make the dif endGame, huh?

favor for favor for favor for Family, understand?

Respect goes so so far, for reals.

Keeps Neighborhoods safe, when Neighbors can trust each other to watch over their homes when they are away.

America now, soon America, what kind do you perfer?

Be LOUD for it; dig meme, PRAY.

can you see the Nov finish line, kek

Anonymous ID: 67876a June 20, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.9692368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2373 >>2395 >>2457


hold on, let me Write a lil


Trump had a great speech for the rally. It was definitely worth catch Chinese Wuhan Virus COVID-19, etc. That was a joke (explaining for Acosta). Trump told great stories with great lessons that fake news will never highlight. Not like Catherine Herridge, another Hero. Jon Solomon has also been doing the heavy lifting of Truth telling, while others remain murky and confusing. Swamp people are worst than the Lannisters, red wedding, and scary dragons all rolled up.

Our neighborhood Q dropped by. Some say Q is a LARP, but they are probably shills. However, why would fake news spend a dime to cover a LARP? These kinds of questions keep Anons digging. Anons are your Frens; they won't betray (you). Statements like this are found on 8Kun. It's not a place you can just jump in. Anons will tease you mercilessly if you are new. It can be fun; it can be stressful. If you survive, you will be stronger tomorrow. Lately, Anons can see the importance of new Frens so they may be more welcoming these days.

Q dropped off a message to the Anons. Four subjects were asked to be focused on; Ukraine, Clinton Foundation, Epstein, Weiner Laptop. Juicy, right? Anons hopped to it with Time to make popcorn for the epic rally speech. If you know anything interesting about the four subjects, please drop that off to your local Anon; thank you.

Anons know Joe bribed Ukraine thanks to the video. Six million dollars in the news recently. People wonder why the Weiner laptop was never revealed to the People. What connects Epstein and the Clinton Foundation, but the Clintons, Bill and Hillary? Wasn't Epstein good with numbers? How did Epstein get off so light after hurting Youngsters? Many questions to answer together so we vote correctly for the People.

Finally, Geoffrey Berman was hilarious today, 6/20/2020. Be sure to thank him for the show. Barr did a wonderful job exposing a liar abusing power, Berman failed. The next person coming in, support him AND watch him close. Perhaps now we will see what's inside the Weiner Laptop.


rough draft

Anonymous ID: 67876a June 20, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.9692644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That rally speech was awesome!

i was keking and shocked and blown away and clapping, oh it was great.

POTUS was 2 funny, fake news is never going to play that, except in private.

'The Great Fake News Depression' kek