Anonymous ID: c31eeb June 20, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.9692016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021

Now… To give people the understanding, of how this could happen…..we need to go back a little ways in time… and explain a few things.


The Sumerians were a race similar to "startrack" type technology…. where we should have been 60 yrs…or…1800 yrs ago, (if they didn't sack the Library of Alexandria) that came to our Earth a long time ago…bringing with them all the goodies of a modern civilization.


They had a command structure, captain… science officer… medic…technician…a troublesome military commander… and a few others of note…. they were all assigned numbers according to rank and family tree from their original planet….

The commander at that time was "Anu"… the derivative for Allah… Yes, the Muslim God…. He was a real God too.


They were Giants ( 2 head plates in head.. humans has 3 head plates) in the true sense.and if you look at the display in Paracas museum… you will see what they looked like, from that region… just look at every ancient doorway in every ancient structure (hint…They aren't that big for "banner carriers" )…and NO the pyramids were not built by rolling stone over logs and what ever else gets bullshitted about… they had technology similar to what is being hidden from humanity today….Persian flying carpets anyone?…


Humans served them for a long time helping them diligently with what they were doing here (Mining and refining… another story on it's own)…there were facilities all over the world, run by the different commanders (Gods)…

They had different workers, for different jobs ( that imparted quite specific information to each race, as well as general morals etc)…. and simplified it all for them(as commanders), by giving every locality a different color skin… like diff color work shirts (doesn't come off in the )…

THAT… is the reason why we have different color skin and body shapes…. WE did DIFFERENT things… BUT we ALL shared a COMMON society….At the end of it all, they gave us our freedom,..and passed on their KNOWLEDGE.


Ever wonder why there are all these head-binding cases ( where a human has bound the head of a child, to force it into the shape of, an elongated head,,,giant like) around the world ???


Almost like someone was trying to pretend, to be something they are NOT.




OK…now that's given everyone a basis as to the real truth, and all the Mesolithic (10-20,000 yrs ago.) buildings around the world that we couldn't build today ( unless antigrav is revealed)… Give or take 200,000 yrs, because you can't date the time of when rock was carved… only the date of "remains" found.. etc…. OUR timelines are totally up the shit… by purpose.

And forget about finding the "missing link"… not going to find it, as all historians and archeologists know…. because it didn't happen that way… ALTHOUGH… It's a fucking great way to make a career with an endless money source till they "find it"….. MAGGOTS.


Moving on… The other part to understanding how humanity fell so hard and so far…. IS THIS ROOM…. Yes… Right here, right now… and for the last 2 1/2 years….. How could humanity get sucked in so bad, and fall so far…. when WE had it ALL…


Well… it takes fucking years of ruthless and complete broad faced lies, over generations…. a language change here… a pic change there…. badger and wear down your opponent all their lifetime, with spares to relieve you with extra bullshit rained down from above..while training your children to lie… so they can continue and add to the lie…. all, while slaughtering their enemies.

Always keeping on the move…always destroying the evidence of our past civilization, when they could… and pitting anyone they could muster support with, on each other… ON A GLOBAL scale…


They retarded our civilization….They changed our understanding of languages, so that races could no longer communicate with each other (divide and conquer)…. They changed religion ( which was just history and truth about a region…real region info>religion ) to some complete and utterly bastardized form today… of what it was for ALL…back than…A complete package of knowledge, given to us by the Annunakki/Sumerian/Gods.


We left their care, with the full understanding of how to run and establish a successful society and flourish…


They changed religion into something they could use as a weapon against humanity… Garner money and power… and aim for the complete and total takeover of the world……Is a basic understanding…

You have all seen how people can be blinded by lies, here in the year 2020, with a complete world wide net sharing "information"… or "lies"… Back then… we were cut off…..


Which leads us into the next part… why were we cut off?…. why were we a flourishing society 1 moment… then totally fucked the next???

Anonymous ID: c31eeb June 20, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.9692074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2078 >>2088


I will Caveat every thing my story says by just stating…. It's chiselled in rock and stone everywhere…..BUT…Just because a story is left in history, means it's meant to be believes.

The conqueror, ALWAYS writes the history…. It may be very wrong and false…. but it is the story left by the Sumerians.

Anonymous ID: c31eeb June 20, 2020, 10:22 p.m. No.9692156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If it's just a nice comforting bedtime story…. will you feel better…. no facts, just my opinion….. there there…. stay in your safe space ;-)


Think of it this way….. Humanity has been wandering up a hill… nice sights about, with the odd path leading off… but the well worn path is what most stayed on…. it wound around and sometimes had challenges to pass… then onward and upwards, looking about with all the rest climbing with you.


After some time, you and everyone else gets to an area that looks a little shitty… you look around and keep climbing…. then you get to the top where you get to see around and realize…. where you are is shit and not nice…it's windy and some of your "fellow" climers have there jackets blown off, revealing another layer of clothes and a map…..WTF….


There's a path that you can see now that forked off earlier, that actually takes you to the top of the mountain and you realize you got side tracked…. are at a dead end with no possibility of getting anywhere…. and a group of fuckheads had a map to lead you astray…


Time to turn around and head towards the better path that actually leads somewhere… but at least where you are now, you can see the other path… its all downhill on a well worn path… and you have had the vision to see allllllll the scumbags hiding, so you can kick them out of your way and off the hill.


You can also see that along the way, there were assholes disguising the other paths and "gatekeeping" them…Having learnt all of their tricks and lies, knowing what to avoid on the way down, it takes no time to get back to where we were… and can have a way better look around at what was being hidden from us.


And guess what?… the sneaky fuckers were hiding the path to the cable car… yeah… no shit… just gotta turn it on and learn to operate it… these arseholes have been getting a free ride, pissing on us from above and telling us it was rain… while all the time laughing at us….


We boot their ass off the hill, or at least so far down the hill that they never ever, fuck with us again…because they can never be trusted…yayyyyy.


The cable car is an old reliable model that's as safe as … made with the good old steel… easy to operate and all set to go… time to reach higher peaks and get the "GOOD" view…