> think Putin
" …
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
Luke 11:14-26 The Voice (VOICE)
14 Picture this:
Jesus is exorcising a demon that has long kept a man from speaking.
When the demon is expelled, the man starts talking and the people are amazed.
15 But then controversy erupts.
Some People: Do you know why He can cast out demons? It’s because He’s in league with the demon prince, Beelzebul. {SATAN}
16 Other people want to see more, so they challenge Jesus to give them another miraculous sign.
17 Jesus knows what they’re thinking.
Jesus: People,be logical.If a kingdom is divided against itself, it will collapse. If a ruling family is divided against itself, it will fall apart.
18 So if Satan’s kingdom is divided against itself, won’t his whole enterprise collapse?
Does it make any sense to say I’m casting out demons by Beelzebul?
19 Besides, if you’re saying it takes satanic power to cast out Satan, by whose power do your own exorcists work?
If you condemn Me for an exorcism, you’ll have to condemn them.
20 But if I by the power of God cast out demonic spirits, then face this fact: the kingdom of God is here, just as I’ve been saying.
21 When a man of power with his full array of weapons guards his own palace, everything inside is secure.
22 But when a new man who is stronger and better armed attacks the palace, the old ruler will be overcome,
his weapons and trusted defenses will be removed, and his treasures will be plundered.
23 Can you see that I’m asking you to choose whose side you’re on—working with Me or fighting against Me?
{These people think they are experts on demonic spirits, but Jesus instructs them in how these things actually work.}
excerpt from: