Thanks, Anon.
But, what did you do to piss this guy off?
>now active.
No, it's not.
It's a setting defaulted to the off position and needs the user to complete the Tracing App install in order to activate.
Am I saying they don't spy on us?
Just that they don't need that to do what they've already been doing for years via other means.
To turn on COVID-19 Exposure Notifications install or finish setting up a participating app
The turnout was still a gajillion times higher than anything Creepy Joe can muster up.
But, on the POTUS past history scale, the numbersWERElower than expected.
>this ticket stuff needs to be clarified
Has the policy re: tickets changed?
Because in the past the concept of tickets to get in was meaningless.
You didn't need any - you just got in line.
>Is this HIPAA compliant??
Because it requires an individual to voluntarily install an app and voluntarily input that they contracted CV should that happen.
This shit is getting nuts now.
The so-called scam didn't impact anything unlessโฆ
People saw that Brad reported 800K (or whatever) registered online causing many to decide to pass up on going because they thought it would be too crowded.
There is no such thing as tickets selling out to a MAGA rally - you just show up and get in line for the security checkpoint(s).
>it is being collected no matter if you opt in
Ok, so tell me what is specifically being collected if you just leave things as-is and don't install and use the app?
There has been a long-standing Senate courtesy (not a rule nor law) that Senators for an AG District can squelch an appointment for whatever reason and the Judiciary Chairman will honor that.
>buy out of Rally tickets
Fake News.
There is no such thing.
MAGA rallies don't sell out like a regular event can.
First come first served to get in.
Think of all the times POTUS would bitch about the Fire Chief not letting moar people in.