>Track congressional intake (reported).
Where do you even start looking for this?
I really want to dig on this front, but need help to get started.
Is there a searchable database somewhere online???
Already been digging here for the past 15 minutes.
Even managed to find the subcommittee:
https:// www.opensecrets.org/cong-cmtes/overview?cmte=HENE&cmtename=Energy+and+Commerce&cong=115&cycle=2018
But it's a totally useless, garbage, mfer of a site.
Can't drill down in anything.
Can't see individual donors.
Search is useless.
Won't be under FB. He's hiding it with shell companies.
Check the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, or CZI.
Also check Rivzi Traverse.
Also, include URLs next time so I don't have to bother you and can replicate the results myself.
That site is impossible to use.