Anonymous ID: 909525 June 21, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.9696483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9694980 Previous Bread

>It's current employer that just announced zero tolerance for hate speech or discrimination. >Supporting Trump could be determined to be hate speech if it offends someone.

That is such bull shit.

I would inform the employer in writing (and in advance of any incident) that if some other employee is offended by something you do or say, that is THEIR problem and is a condition over which YOU HAVE NO CONTROL

This is the underlying problem with libtard logic that eludes the masses.

YOU DO have a Constitutional Right to FREE SPEACH.

They DO NOT have a Constitutional Right to NOT BE OFFENDED.

That is THEIR choice to make. If they are to simple to figure out they are creating their own grief, then so be it.


Again that is THEIR choice that THEY made (and that YOU have NO control over).

Where I am the employer, I am moar inclined to tell the employees that thin skinned pussies that are easily offended can do so at their house, on their time and it will bother me not. However, on my time, and at my place of business, if you are spending time being offended and debating the libtard logic justifying how and why that makes sense to you, you are not being productive on my behalf, and as such will be released from my employ. PERIOD.


This is the underlying problem with Roger Goodell VS Colon Copperdick. He simply could have taken the stand you DO have the right to do whatever you want ON YOUR TIME. While I am paying you, you are ON MY TIME and will humor me OR leave my employ. PERIOD. Go take a knee anytime or anywhere else, but NOT ON MY TIME while I am paying for your stupid ungrateful a$$ to be on television and make 6 or 7 figures a year for doing it.


Which also reminds me of all this SYSTEMIC RACISM BULL SHIT promoted by the Propaganda Media.

There is no SUCH THING IN THE U.S.A. ! The Dems want to convince the dark sheeple there is, but THERE IS NOT.

The only evidence there is of that amounts to their claim it is so.

There IS evidence that is NOT true though.

We The People elected a BLACK President, TWICE.

How many BLACK athletes make moar than 6 figures a year (with no education) ?

Neither of these conditions would exist if Systemic Racism where really a thing. in the real world.