Q in 4476 alludes to [Their] very specific strategy aligning with how Germany was conquered:
1- They started with a communist left (today antifa, blm, Dem socialism push) threatening openly to destabilize America and destroy it.
2- They (cabal) grew the Communist movement (then in Germany and attempting it today) via economic destruction and civil rights abuse narratives to disenfranchise a targeted base by rallying people to push for destruction of our Consitutional Republic
3- They created nazism and grew it by targeting elements of the Majority (non communists, conservatives) to counter the actions of communists openly calling for Americas destruction effectively.
4- Nazism grew as did Communism. They both grew because of the threats the msm narrative echoed about the threats to each upon the others.
5- Nazism since it drew from the Conservative majority gained power quickly.
6- Hitler effectively turned into a dictator and attacked any and all opposition, including his base who questioned and contested his power grab.
7- At that point the Majority lost Germany, a controlled communist minority and a Socialist Nazi minority (who fully controlled Gov by now, and GAINED initial POWER by consent of the Conservative Majority) effectively took ALL power from the Silent Majority and Germany was effectively never to be the same again.
8- To illustrate the Cabal trap of conquering the Majority via minority opposing movements, look at what was habbening in America around that time. The tactic was not isolated to Germany it was also evident in America.
9- Business Mans plot, whereby Bush and Business factions/Nazi type ideology attempted to overthrow Roosevelt. So effectively Socialist vs Communism but Realistically and Factually Socialist AND Communist vs. Conservatives.
10- The Cabal plan was to develop Germany into a war machine to conquer Conservative Christian countries, and take over christian europe.
11- First target Christian Poland. Evidence of fuggery as Communists and Nazi socialists (who vowed to defend Poland) instead jointly destroyed and divied up Poland.
12- Modern day is this is the Cabal plan for America, it is not a Left Right thing when we look at higher levels, it is a divide and conquer USING left and right factions.
13- America has a strengthened communist/socialist base which has been promoted for many years and includes islam (thanks BHO), gangs (thanks clowns crack cocaine distribution, and prisons who covert inmates en masse), BLM, Antifa, LGBTQ, now youn men and women (thanks educational system and FB/SM) etc.
14- Their goal to be successful to destroy America is to have a supposed right wing emerge to draw the Conservative Majority into the fight and call it a right wing movement. They cannot win if they cannot identify a right wing.
15- Conservative Majority needs to remain the Middle and avoid organized counter insurgency, Q is clear in his drops about this, and this is what many cannot comprehend because it is a TRAP.
16- That is why Potus IS not utlizing Mil and other resources which can be identified as a right wing counter, this will further strengthen the left and give the handlers credibility that the system is a threat to the rights of the left.
17- The left and Cabal need a counter insurgency to appear to justify the fear they embed the left with. This is their plan.
18- We stay in the middle and let their misled passion expire, the Cabal/DS continues to enflame tensions via FFs and social injustice narrative, but no enemy appears and the left gets tired.
19- Meanwhile the DS/Cabal runs out of money and resources to keep their people angry and rioting.
20- Q and Potus ensure their backup runs dry and prevents exponential escalation, he will give Gov NG and Mil, but that is on them to use and order, as we see now many leftists are now blaming leftist govs, mayors for not supporting them. This is because Potus has not taken the bait.
21- These movements are built on lies and require constinued escalation to hide the truth with fear/hatred and emotion. they burin out relatively quickly because they are not natural or organic and Truth eventuall Wins and GOD WINS.