His speech presentation has improved quite a bit. It's just the beginning of a victorious campaign. Biden cant be the nominee because he cant function well enough, he's finished.
Theyll be getting spam for at least 10 years.
Dont kid yourself. Demoncrats must be ELIMINATED. They are irredeemable.
Good timing. I raised two kids through all the Bushbama fuckery for 16 years, then the turmoil of the hateful, crooked demoncrats attacking Trump for 3 years. I had lost hope for the country before Trump was elected. Things will get better, I believe.
Agree. What you are describing is a a complete nerd who doesnt want to go out anyway and interact with any people because of her own nerdy weakness. The nerdiness fully kicks in when she doesnt want ANYBODY to go out and interact with other people. Libtards are stupid, useless people. They should stay home forever.
I live in blue state libtard lockdownville. Our 90,000 peeps town has a hospital that was completely deserted each time I checked on it during the first month of muh corona shutdown. During 4 looks, I literally saw one patient waiting. We also had an completely unused "corona tent" set up out front.
Utah needs to pass a law to recall Romney. Bet he'd be right out.
Muh corona shutdown shut down the Newsom Recall movement, which is back on. He's in by vote fraud and will be out if Recall is conducted properly. The Secty of State is a yuge probelm in Cal, however, as is the entire state govt. We have the worst police state too and it should ALL be defunded.
The empty seats were because of blocked access to the venue period. There were thousands more outside, according to numerous accounts.
Whenever these shills say "far-right," you can read "Constitutional Conservatives."
You gonna post a pic of your lunch too, fucktard?