Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.9696833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6849 >>6853 >>6855 >>6946 >>7308

“The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office” – Bill Barr on the Attempted Coup of President Trump and Abe Lincoln


This was the most informative interview on the attempted deep state coup of President Trump to date.


Attorney General Bill Barr joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.


AG Barr went on to say “people are looking at” the period before the Papadopoulos conversation in a London wine bar. In other words, the DOJ is looking at the planning stages of the Trump-Russia attempted coup.


AG Bill Barr: First of all, I agree with you that it’s been stunning that all we’ve gotten from the mainstream media is bovine silence in the face of the complete collapse of the Russiagate scandal. Which they did all they could to sensationalize and drive and it’s like not even a “Whoops!” they’re just on to the next false scandal… In terms of the completion of Durham’s investigation, he’s pressing ahead as hard as he can and I expect that we will have some developments hopefully before the end of this summer. As I’ve said his investigation will continue. It’s not going to stop because of the election.


Bill Barr then admitted the Durham investigation slowed down because of the coronavirus pandemic but would not confirm it was because a grand jury could not meet at the time.


Then they compared the attempted coup of Trump to the Lincoln assassination.



Maria Bartiromo: Speaking of the Russia collusion story, this was the closest the United States ever came to a coup to take down a president since the assassination of Lincoln. Is that an appropriate statement?


Bill Barr: In a sense I think it is the closest we have come to an organized effort to push a president out of office. I’m not reaching a judgment on what the motivations there were there.


There is much more here.

It is an amazing interview.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9696865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932 >>7176

“Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole” – Far Left UGA Teaching Assistant on Black Lives Matter Movement


Irami Osei-Frampong, a University of Georgia graduate student and teaching assistant recently wrote that some white people may have to die before black communities will be made whole.


Osei-Frampong made the comments on Facebook and says he’s confused on why his words are so controversial.



A University of Georgia graduate student is getting criticism for comments he wrote on Facebook.


The man at the center of the controversy is Irami Osei-Frampong — a philosophy graduate student employed by the university as a teacher’s assistant.


He speaks frequently about race and equality, but some critics believe he crossed the line when he made a post online that stated, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.”


Another social media post said: “Fighting white people is a skill.”


The teaching assistant told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas he’s confused by the backlash.


“I’m confused why that is so controversial,” Osei-Frampong said.


Osei-Frampong appeared on Cox Media Group radio station WGAU Tuesday morning, insisting he’s not calling for violence, but believes it should remain an option.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.9696919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6960 >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

Kiev blast that devastated residential building may have been caused by gas leak or BOMB – minister


A deadly explosion in Kiev, which tore through several apartments in a building, may have been caused by an explosive device, Ukraine’s interior minister has said. The blast killed at least three people.


Kiev police are working to determine whether the powerful explosion, which happened on Sunday morning at around 10am local time, was caused by a gas leak or a bomb, Arsen Avakov said.


The ministry has deployed 420 employees to the scene of the explosion, located in the southeast of the Ukrainian capital. That number includes rescue workers, firefighters, police officers and others.


The blast originated in one of the apartments of the nine-story building and caused significant damage, with a stack of four apartments caving in. Rescuers found two people dead under the rubble and rescued three others alive. 21 residents were evacuated from the building in the wake of the emergency.


The gas leak explanation has been deemed more likely by the emergency services. Residents told media outlets that the gas meters had been replaced throughout the building just one week prior to the explosion.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9696956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

‘Cancel culture despises diversity of opinion’: Publisher says Amazon suspended paid ads for new book on ‘transgender craze’


The burgeoning ‘cancel culture’ has forced Amazon to ax an ad campaign for a book by a Wall Street Journal author which is critical of liberal views on transgender identity, its publishing company has said.


Regnery Publishing said that Jeff Bezos’ company suspended their paid ad for the book ‘Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters’ by Wall Street Journal writer Abigail Shrier.


According to the author, the book explores the idea that “trans-identification has become a peer contagion among teen girls.”


The ad was removed as it “may not be appropriate for all audiences,” because the ad or the book itself claims to “diagnose, treat, or question sexual orientation,” Fox News reported, citing an email from Amazon’s Advertising Support department to Regnery.


The publisher claims the ad contained only a photo of the cover, which features a drawing of a young girl with a hole in her abdomen. The book itself is still available for purchase on Amazon’s website.


Regnery described the situation as a fresh example of so-called ‘cancel culture’, a social movement to silence public figures and hide the products that certain groups find offensive.


The cancel culture has made it clear that it despises diversity of opinion, and it will not tolerate science, data, facts, or anything that contradicts the approved narrative.


Amazon did not comment on Regnery’s allegations.


The e-commerce giant has already been criticized in the past for removing books it deems controversial from its website

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9696999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7049 >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

CHAZ leader enraged Seattle EMT's wouldn't enter autonomous zone following a shooting


Autonomous: adjective - having the right or power of self-government an autonomous territory.


Early Saturday morning, two men were shot in Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, one later died from his gunshot injuries. One of the prominent leaders of the CHAZ is enraged that Seattle EMT's refused to enter the autonomous zone, but emergency officials explain why medics didn't enter the "self-governed" area.


A Seattle rapper named Raz Simone is allegedly one of the leaders of the CHAZ. Simone gained national notoriety following the George Floyd protests after he was one of the early organizers of the autonomous zone in Seattle.


He was labeled as a "warlord" by many after video emerged of him screaming, "This is war!" into a megaphone and ordering "armed paramilitaries to guard the barricades in shifts."


The City Journal said the AK-47-wielding activist was "filmed allegedly assaulting multiple protestors who disobeyed his orders, informing them that he was the 'police' now, sparking fears that he was becoming the de facto warlord of the autonomous zone." Simone has since denied that he is a "warlord."


Following Saturday's shooting inside the Capitol Hill Organized Protest area, Simone fired off an angry tweet attacking Seattle medics for not venturing into the autonomous zone to help the shooting victims.


"Medics refused to help even after people in the CHOP begged," Simone tweeted. "They let our bro bleed out for 30 minutes till he died. F politics. F your currupt system."


The Seattle Fire Department released a statement explaining why the emergency medical technicians did not enter the CHAZ.


"On June 20, 2020 at approximately 2:19 a.m., 9-1-1 received reports of a shooting at 10th Ave and E. Pine St. SPD officers responded to the scene and SFD dispatch was notified," the statement read. "Between 2:26 and 2:28 a.m. SPD officers staged at 12th Ave and Cherry St. and initially entered the scene but were unable to secure the location for SFD medics."


The Seattle Fire Department said they "needed SPD presence to enter the scene" to ensure the safety of the medical technicians.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9697007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

German professor on the Next Generation EU proposal: It is an attempt to corrupt national democracies


The proposal referred to as Next Generation EU amounts to an attempt by Brussels bureaucrats to corrupt democratic states in Europe, said Professor of Public Finance at the Technical University of Berlin Markus Kerber in an interview with the weekly Echo24.


“Basically, the proposal suggests that many countries will borrow a lot of money. And because this money is to be returned in thirty years and the repayment phase will not begin until 2028, I consciously call it an attempt by the bureaucracy in Brussels to corrupt national democracies,” he said in an interview with Echo24.


It’s a kind of corruption, according to Kerber, to telling national governments, “here you have the money and you can spend it immediately. It will be paid off later.” That’s an offer that few member state governments would be able to resist, receiving significant amounts of funding that can be used to spend on pet projects for voters to win re-election.


That is why we see the strongest support for the proposal coming from Italy, France, and Spain, he said, because it offers the governments of these highly indebted countries completely new political possibilities.


However, the money will have to be repaid to Brussels over the next thirty years. Kerber stressed that Czechs should know that in this proposal, Czech fiscal policy is sacrificed on the altar of the EU. More specifically, on the altar of the southern wing of the eurozone, he warned.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9697025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7089 >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

Germany: “Youths” riot, fight police


Dozens of groups of “youths” rioted in the centre of the city of Stuttgart last night, causing severe property damage, looting, and injuring police officers.


20 people were arrested and more than a dozen police officers were injured amidst the chaos, according to a report by ZDF Heute. There was extensive property damage, with many shop windows broken, and rioters pulled cobblestones out of the streets and threw them at officers. Many police vehicles were damaged as well. Widespread looting was also reported.


Although the situation was severe enough that emergency services from other areas of Baden-Württemberg had to be called in to reinforce the city’s resources, the situation was said to have calmed down by Sunday morning. The authorities are still in the process of assessing the extent of the damage.


Police said that hundreds of people were involved in the violence, although split up into many small groups.


The rioting apparently began after police had stopped someone on suspicion of a drug-related offence. Gangs of youths then began to assemble in solidarity with the suspect and began their attacks in the area of the Schlossplatz.


Cities across Western Europe have been rocked by violence in recent weeks in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died while being taken into police custody in the United States last month, setting off widespread rioting there as well.


Stuttgart also saw violence and rioting last month when Antifa thugs assaulted demonstrators at protests in opposition to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown. Some of those attacked had to be hospitalised, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9697041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

The Guardian’s sister paper forces YouTube to again terminate ‘far-right’ channel The Iconoclast, doxes man behind it


The liberal newspaper the Observer has prodded YouTube into re-suspending “the most successful and toxic British far-right” anonymous channel and has unmasked the individual running it.


The Observer, the sister newspaper of British liberal heavyweight the Guardian, has joined campaigners in celebrating a victory over YouTube channel ‘The Iconoclast’. It’s author will no longer be able to use Google’s video platform to deliver messages of hate and white supremacy to its 218,000 subscribers, the newspaper said.


The channel was suspended “after the Observer asked YouTube why it continued to host The Iconoclast,” to which the service said they shared “a deep concern and responsibility in protecting the community against hate speech and do not want our platform used for harm.”


Canceling The Iconoclast however was apparently not enough for the newspaper, since it went on to name the previously anonymous individual behind it. Citing “forensic analysis of his social media output, including repeated usernames, profile pictures, throwaway comments that corroborated biographical details shared in his YouTube videos and undeleted accounts,”the Observer said the channel was run by Daniel Atkinson, a former media student.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9697073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7098 >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

Pollak: After TikTok, 2020 Election Is About China


Democrats and Republican Never Trumpers are celebrating Chinese interference in the U.S. presidential election.


On Saturday night, Trump opponents revealed that they had used viral videos on the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok to urge young people to flood the Trump campaign website with fake requests for tickets to the president’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


The result: predictions for hundreds of thousands of fans, but a half-empty BOK Center stadium.


It is a deep embarrassment for the Trump campaign, and indeed for the Trump administration itself.


President Trump has rightly criticized his predecessor for allowing Russian interference to take place in the 2016 election. Now he can be accused of allowing China to do the same.


Regardless, the Tulsa fiasco is also a sign that China is the central issue in the 2020 campaign.


China has siphoned away American jobs and production for three decades, a trend that President Donald Trump is the first Western leader to challenge. It flooded the U.S. with opioids, killing tens of thousands of people annually and creating millions of addicts. It allowed the coronavirus to spread internally, then internationally.


Now China is meddling in U.S. elections. It has been interfering for decades, ever since the Chinese government funneled money to President Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996.


In 2018, China targeted vulnerable U.S. congressional districts with tariffs and with propaganda against U.S. trade policy, which may have helped Democrats win several Republican-held districts.


Now, in 2020, TikTok has emerged as an effective tool for dirty tricks.


Notably, Facebook and Twitter have censored the president, the latter for allegedly providing inaccurate information a tweet protesting California’s new (and possibly unconstitutional) vote by mail system.


But TikTok just allowed Trump foes to manipulate the campaign openly and proudly. (Notably, Trump opponents also encouraged the prank on other platforms. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) saluted it on Twitter; she has not yet been flagged for encouraging election interference.)


The danger extends beyond the 2020 election. Chinese-owned applications like TikTok have become ubiquitous in the past few years, and especially during the coronavirus pandemic. The videoconferencing service Zoom, a must-have app during the shutdowns, routes some of its traffic through China and recently suspended a Chinese dissident account for hosting a conference call to mark the 31st anniversary of the massacre of pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square.


Meanwhile, left-wing mobs in American cities continue to rampage. Protests that began over the killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota — a rare event — became riots that burned businesses and forced storefronts across the nation to board up to prevent looting. Left-wing groups are still destroying statues — not just of Confederate figures or colonial-era explorers, but of George Washington, abolitionists, and Civil War heroes like Ulysses S. Grant.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9697080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7116 >>7167 >>7275 >>7332

Schiff: ‘Trump Is Guilty’ — The House Proved Him Guilty


Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) discussed the allegations in the new book by former national security adviser John Bolton and the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.


According to the California Democrat, Trump has already been proven “guilty” by the U.S. House of Representatives.


Schiff said, “I would put frankly, at the top of the list the willingness to change tariffs if only China would help him get re-elected and this is a perfect echo of his misconduct with Ukraine, but more than that, we warned during the trial that you could only count on Donald Trump to do what’s right for him and not what’s right for the country. John Bolton says that is exactly this president’s pattern and practice that he didn’t see a significant national foreign approximately policy decision made on any other basis than the personal and political re-election interest and that’s a tragic and dangerous situation for the whole country when the president has that kind of myopic focus what’s right for him and is willing to sacrifice the national interest.”


On the impeachment trial, Schiff said, “Trump is guilty, they found him guilty. The House proved him guilty, and they weren’t prepared to do anything about it, and we have the evidence to prove it, we did prove it.”


He continued, “We will look at what allegations like those involving Turkey and other countries particularly involving China need to be flushed out and exposed to the light of day and then we’ll make our decisions. But you know, we do need, I think, to expose the length and breadth of this president’s depravity and how much it is endangering the country and those facts will need to come out, and we’re discussing with the speaker and my fellow chairs just how to do that.”


On Bolton testifying before his committee, Schiff said, “I don’t think we should wait if we conclude that there are important things that he says that need to be exposed to the public. The public needs to know exactly what they have in this president. A lot of it is not a surprise, but at the same time, exposure of this president’s misconduct is the best way to protect the country. Congress can take steps to protect the country. You know, look, those comments that the president made when only the interpreter and President Xi were in the room, blessing the concentration camps of the Uyghurs. It’s exactly why we want to know what he said to Putin when he’s alone in the room with Putin because he is dealing away our national security. He’s dealing away the values of this country in secret in order to help himself. That’s just so destructive of everything that this country stands for.”

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.9697096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7167 >>7275 >>7332 >>7377

Over 56 Shot by Sunday Morning on Father’s Day Weekend in Chicago


More than 56 people were shot, nine fatally, by Sunday morning on Father’s Day Weekend in Democrat-controlled Chicago.


WLS reports “two teen boys and a three-year-old are among the dead.”


The three-year-old boy was killed when a car pulled up next to his father’s car and the occupants opened fire “just before 6:30 p.m. Saturday night.” The three-year-old was shot in the back and the wound proved fatal.


NBC Chicago reports a 13-year-old girl was shot and killed in a separate incident.


Breitbart News reported over 30 were shot, two fatally, in Chicago last weekend. Thirty-five were shot, five fatally, the weekend prior.


Police in Democrat-controlled Cleveland are investigating six shootings which occurred between Saturday morning and Sunday morning in their city.


Fox 8 reports the shootings began Saturday around 9 a.m., with the last one occurring Sunday about 6 a.m.


The individuals were all shot while outside and the conditions of all victims are not known.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9697128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7185

Aliens, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Flash Gordon, and More Get Trigger Warnings on Sky


Sixteen films including Aliens, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Flash Gordon, The Jungle Book, and Lawrence of Arabia have been given trigger warnings for their “outdated attitudes” by Comcast-owned Sky in the UK as a Black Lives Matter inspired Cultural Revolution sweeps the country.


Viewers of the films on Sky Cinema — a pay-per-view film service — were greeted with a message that informed them that the films may contain “outdated attitudes, languages and cultural depictions which may cause offence today.”


The sixteen films that received the treatment, according to The Sun, are Breakfast at Tiffany’s, The Goonies, Aladdin, Dumbo, Gone With The Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, Tropic Thunder, The Jazz Singer, The Littlest Rebel, The Lone Ranger, Balls of Fury, The Jungle Book, Flash Gordon, and The Last Samurai.


A Sky spokesman defended the censorious action, saying: “Sky is committed to supporting anti-racism and improving diversity and inclusion both on and off-screen.”


“We constantly review all content on Sky’s owned channels and will take action where necessary including adding additional information for our customer to allow them to make an informed decision when deciding what films and TV shows to watch,” the Sky spokesman added.


Warnings on “outdated attitudes” were also added to recent films such as the 2016 remake of The Jungle Book and the 2019 remakes of Aladdin and Dumbo. Some were later removed, with the broadcaster claiming error.

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9697178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7234 >>7249 >>7275 >>7287 >>7295 >>7311 >>7332

DON SURBER: Cancel Culture Just Got Fun


Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon may lose their gigs as late-night hosts on ABC and NBC respectively for skits they did in blackface on national television.


Kimmel’s skits were on Comedy Central’s Man Show. Fallon’s were on Saturday Night Live on NBC, which proves even the people at NBC don’t watch SNL because it is an institution, not a comedy show.


The blackface skits are not relics of an earlier age. They are bad decisions by comics and TV networks that should have known better.


The Daily Mail reported, “Jimmy Kimmel has announced that he is taking a break from his late-night show over the summer, to spend more time with his family.


Exit question:

Anonymous ID: a5c53e June 21, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.9697223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7275 >>7332

Ten People Shot in Minneapolis, Reports of ‘100 People Fighting With Various Weapons’


Ten were shot in Minneapolis after midnight on Sunday morning and there were reports of up to 100 people brawling using “various weapons” in the area.

Minneapolis has been severely under policed since the rioting began, as politicians and media continue to cause hostility towards law enforcement.


Daily Caller reporter Kyle Hooten tweeted a video of blood on the ground following the shooting and reported that there are “one hundred people fighting with various weapons.”

