Are you in a Dem state?
I am in a GOP state and most small biz got back within a month and up to even now.
>who think DJT has let this go to far
you have some first hand knowledge so do you think there is any option except voting for Potus considering the Dems seem to be condoning this activity?
To me Potus wanted to let the chaos ensue as he even mentioned at the Rally, so people could see the chaos.
Potus has to know as it plays out he appears less in control and weaker, but exposure also is gained to reveal the Dems negatively. Do you agree there was initial benefit, but a inversely propoprtional relationship between exposure to [Them] and harm to Potus?
DO you think we are at the point whereby people have seen enough in terms of Potus exposing the Dems support, and it is beginning to do moar harm than good for Potus?