Anonymous ID: 1add82 June 21, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9697790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7814 >>7832




I have let this gone too far

^ that is what your statement should have read

How involved are you in your community

How many local city councils are you involved in

How often do you engage with your congressman

Do you vote in local elections at the state and county level?

Do you meet with those around you to discuss issues effecting your community?


You want Trump to white knight and save the day

When you probably haven't gotten off of your ass or had skin in the game

Easier pointing at someone else than owning your part of the problem

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink

Read it

Quit looking for others to solve your problems

Anonymous ID: 1add82 June 21, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.9697856   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is why the comment is framed in the form of a question

I already know you do not exercise extreme ownership based on your posts this bread

Only question is what area

Anonymous ID: 1add82 June 21, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9697961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7969 >>7985 >>7994 >>8000 >>8025


Anons would do well to remember the Q drop that said this is a marathon

Now fags think this is a 100m dash

Nowfags want to unwind decades and decades of foundation being built



Two faced renegades

Reeeeeeee muh swamp needs to be drained

It is being drained you impatient fucks

Mar a thon

A hilly one at that

With headwinds

Nowfags think we are always 50 meters out from the finish

We are cruising at the half way point well into our stride


But muh drained swamp

I want it now daddy

Not realizing the water level was over your head

And now it is ankle deep

Room to go? Absolutely

Keep your perspective

We have come far and there is farther to go

Winning never gets old

And you nowfags keep reminding me of all the wining I have forgotten

Which makes me smile


Anonymous ID: 1add82 June 21, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.9698100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sounds like an excuse for your impatience

Trust issues?

You either trust POTUS and the team he has surrounded himself with or you don't

I don't need to know everything they know

They are the ones in charge and they have been elected Or appointed

Seems like you want to know every little detail anon

Run for office get elected Get appointed to those circles

Then you'll have a need to know

Until then you don't

Know your role


And also my comment was about now fags

There was no miss characterization

For whatever reason you chose to identify as my target audience when I never called you out

Unless you identify as a now fag

In that case look up what a marathon is

You're in the middle of one and falling the fuck behind