Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 371c95 June 21, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.9697394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7396 >>7398 >>7400 >>7406 >>7408 >>7410 >>7412 >>7417 >>7419 >>7425 >>7426 >>7427 >>7428 >>7431 >>7432 >>7434 >>7436 >>7438 >>7439 >>7441 >>7443 >>7446 >>7448 >>7449 >>7450 >>7452 >>7453 >>7454 >>7455 >>7459 >>7461 >>7465 >>7467 >>7468 >>7470 >>7473 >>7474 >>7478 >>7479 >>7481 >>7482 >>7485 >>7486 >>7490 >>7492 >>7496 >>7499 >>7506 >>7510 >>7515 >>7516 >>7517 >>7519 >>7521 >>7523 >>7524 >>7528 >>7532 >>7538 >>7542 >>7547 >>7550 >>7581 >>7582 >>7588 >>7594 >>7597 >>7598 >>7601 >>7603 >>7617 >>7619 >>7623 >>7625 >>7646 >>7661 >>7678 >>7680 >>7705 >>7707 >>7717 >>7726 >>7742 >>7770 >>7771 >>7773 >>7793 >>7806 >>7810 >>7823 >>7843 >>7921 >>7922 >>7943 >>7972 >>7978 >>7987 >>8012 >>8128


MSDNC: "peaceful" "summer of love"

Reality [seen on social media]: murder, violence, destruction, anarchy, lawlessness…

People are awake to the truth.

Seeing is believing.

The age of social media killed their ability to fully control.

You can't censor the world.

You are the majority.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 371c95 June 21, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9698045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8047 >>8050 >>8053 >>8054 >>8057 >>8058 >>8060 >>8062 >>8063 >>8064 >>8065 >>8068 >>8070 >>8071 >>8072 >>8076 >>8077 >>8080 >>8081 >>8082 >>8083 >>8086 >>8087 >>8088 >>8089 >>8090 >>8091 >>8094 >>8096 >>8097 >>8098 >>8099 >>8101 >>8102 >>8104 >>8105 >>8108 >>8110 >>8112 >>8113 >>8116 >>8117 >>8119 >>8120 >>8121 >>8124 >>8125 >>8126 >>8129 >>8131 >>8133 >>8135 >>8136 >>8138 >>8139 >>8140 >>8143 >>8144 >>8145


Have faith in Humanity.

Have faith in yourself.

Do not let the media control you [incite division and hatred for one another by use of propaganda and fear mongering [dogma - a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds]].